Example sentences of "and [noun] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , basically it 's always been but it has n't been enforced for quite some time , that the clean up rate is four pounds and hour which equates to six pound an hour on a Saturday .
2 If the Church is to keep its teenagers , especially , it has to compete successfully with many other attractions and activities which appeal to the young .
3 If the reciprocal roles and activities which occur in a family in the mutual interdependency phase can be sorted out , it enhances the status and well-being of each side , so that we see a grandmother who mends while her daughter does the washing , an old person baby-sits while the young neighbour does shopping .
4 This month 's analysis is a very melodic and tasteful piece which owes much of its effectiveness to the use of chord tones and notes which act as extensions to the chords .
5 Not surprisingly , the bourgeois ideology of domesticity had a major impact on the subordinate elements in the bourgeois coalition itself , those class fractions and groups who aspired to its social standards and standing , the middle and lower bourgeoisie .
6 The areas of Sunderland and Middlesbrough we looked at were both poor working-class areas , yet there were considerable differences in the health of their communities . ’
7 2. drug-treatment centres and clinics who specialize in treating people with drug problems .
8 … This means that the social traditions , values and attitudes which exist in any society can not be brushed aside .
9 Then they gave her a battery of psych-tests that plugged straight into her nervous system ; though she fought against it , they strapped her down and there was nothing she could hide , no way to stop the relentless tide of data and attitudes they programmed into her , or the probing of her mental set .
10 The green forest now flared with colour as the plants advertised the delights and rewards they had on offer .
11 Meanwhile Winnie , who for several years ran the old Slazenger Club Championships , continued to repay the joy and rewards she enjoyed from tennis by passing on her knowledge and experience to later generations of British juniors .
12 At the height of his fame and glory he thinks with nostalgia of the rough country food of his childhood .
13 And to coincide , the Bodlean Library has opened an exhibition showing original sketches and maps he drew on the back of exam papers .
14 What employers will be interested in is the confidence and faith you have in yourself to revise and update your clinical skills in order to place them in a service context .
15 Furthermore , we observed a curious biphasic hepatitis beginning approximately 12 weeks after transplantation in two patients coinfected with HBV and HDV which resolved to stable chronic persistent hepatitis .
16 and William who dreamed of nobility
17 This partnership was dissolved in 1882 to become Robert Blackwood and Sons which lasted to the formation of Blackwood Morton , when Robert Blackwood 's son William Ford Blackwood joined forces with Gavin Morton in 1908 .
18 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
19 And whether he changes his system , ploughs his moorland , reseeds his pasture , increases his stocking rate , drains his bog and fertilises his meadow is strongly influenced by the advice and grant-aid he receives from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( MAFF ) .
20 Driven on by wind and tide they raced through this passage and into a wide lake .
21 It is the balance between precision and imprecision which contributes to the success of his rhetoric , it seems — and perhaps to rhetoric everywhere .
22 And so there 's a tremendous onus upon your good selves , to highlight the experience if you like and expertise you have of spotting problems , and explaining how you will get around then within the given fee-bid .
23 Right knowledge was a necessary safeguard against the immorality and perversion which stemmed from ignorance .
24 Jon , as he proudly watched the Union Jack raised above his head , must have thought back to the days when , as Oxford University Boat Race president , the only flag he looked at was the skull and crossbones which hung in his study with a menacing message written underneath : ‘ Death Zone — No Prisoners . ’
25 Based on the relationship of spending and payment you establish with us , you will be able to spend more — or less — depending on the situation you find yourself in .
26 No fewer than six play in central European football with three coming from Austria Vienna — Robertas Fridrikas — a player who hits a free kick like Ronald Koeman — Valdas Ivanauskas and the skilful midfield playmaker Arminas Narbekovas , It was Narbekovas and Fridrikas who scored in Belfast while the strong runs of 6 foot 2 inch Ivanauskas caused the Irish defence many problems .
27 Neighbours ( BBC1 , 1.30pm/5.35pm ) : It 's Cameron 's housewarming and farewell party for Lucy and Brad which ends in disaster and tears .
28 He went to the dressing-table and threw cold water over his face and chest which streamed with cold sweat .
29 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
30 In Bolivia , the proportion is 90 per cent ; in Brazil , Ecuador , Panama , Peru and Venezuela it fluctuates between 70 per cent and 80 per cent ; in Guatemala it is 60 per cent ; in Colombia , El Salvador and Mexico 50 per cent ; and in Argentina , Costa Rica , Chile and Uruguay less than 50 per cent ( López Cordovez 1982 ) .
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