Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Curtains would be closed , arm bands worn , and hats removed as the hearse passed by .
2 1 Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and chilli halves until the onion browns .
3 Hulse and Taylor found that the period changed by as much as 80 µs with a 7.75 h cycle , which is uncharacteristic behaviour for a pulsar .
4 Many fish , squid , octopuses , comb-jellies and jellyfish ensure that the abyssal depths are never completely dark by filling them with the sparkle and shimmer of animal light .
5 The improvement in January was better than had been expected in December , sales of both vehicles and parts and accessories increased and the trade is looking forward to a further improvement in February .
6 The annals for Cnut 's reign are contained in quire 9 ( 1016 – 51 ) , and Ker thought that the scribe responsible for this also wrote the entries for 1071 – 9 .
7 The President regarded him for a moment and Trent thought that the old man might rally .
8 The F1 remained stuck with a massive cost problem , and riders reported that the famed rotary engine , although a joy on the open road , was temperamental in city traffic .
9 Giller and Twomey suggest that the fish coped perfectly well with the floods because the Araglin river anyway has an over-abundance of invertebrate food .
10 There are some very good photographs and some intriguing snippets of information — Michael Bowyer tells how the Operational Requirement that led to the Hampden and Wellington specified that the aircraft should have folding wings for hangar storage !
11 E VEN at this late hour , psephology , demographics and luck suggest that the Tories could still emerge as the biggest single party in a hung Parliament .
12 If this is true , it would further increase the problems of control in countries such as Britain where the form of the public corporation relied on the notion of the ‘ professional ideal ’ of self-regulation , trust and responsibility to ensure that the ‘ national interest ’ was furthered ( Burrage 1973 ) .
13 The catalyst is the Government 's decision in August to uphold a recommendation from the Monopolies and Mergers Commission that the credit card networks Visa International and Mastercard should alter one of their membership rules .
14 The navigator plotter and bomb aimer would independently calculate the course to be flown and times to target and an agreement would be reached as to final course .
15 As the two countries have close links with regard to language and culture , the children quickly thrive and are rescued from a life of prostitution and drug dealing and a life expectancy of 18 .
16 Palace were back level when , in the 66th minute , Tony Adams and Seaman hesitated as the ball bobbed around in Arsenal 's penalty area .
17 In April the Accounting Standards Board proposed that provisions for future losses and reorganisation costs after an acquisition will no longer be allowed to be taken straight out of the balance sheet of the purchaser 's accounts , without passing through its profit and loss account .
18 Good heads and deputies know that the management of their school begins with their colleagues ' management of their classrooms .
19 Previously no distinction had been made between acquittals , cases which were dismissed because there was no evidence that the accused had committed the crime , and cases dismissed because no crime had been committed .
20 They wanted examples and cases to show that the institutions of capitalism are historically specific and therefore changeable ; in order to demonstrate this they looked for examples of institutions which were as different from those of capitalism as possible .
21 The State of the Prisons went through four editions as Howard 's travels and experience grew and a second book , An Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe , reflected his later interest in military hospitals , lazarettos for the sick , and ways of combating the plague .
22 They also found that Building Regulations and Codes of practice were regularly infringed , and experience suggests that a considerable number of faults had been concealed .
23 In contrast to these results , Slobin and Welsh found that a child was able to imitate one of her own utterances immediately after she had produced it spontaneously , but that errors occurred when the child was asked to imitate the same utterance some minutes later .
24 ‘ The court clearly has jurisdiction within the ambit of the 1968 Act and rules to see that no injustice is done to any applicant or appellant .
25 Using section balancing , Williams and Brooks show that the seismic profiles illustrated by Chadwick et. al. , can be redrawn in decidedly thin-skinned style , with a tectonic shortening of approximately 20% .
26 Indeed Frost and Spence conclude that the main result of their detailed study of employment change between 1971 and 1977 must be ( 1984 , 146 ) ‘ the critical role that service activities and particularly the widespread public services have played in influencing the nature and patterns of employment change over the period ’ .
27 Lords Justices Kennedy and Hirst agreed that the challenge had not been properly brought .
28 A recent survey of the international relations literature in the English-language academic journals conducted by Alker and Biersteker revealed that the vast majority of those articles were based on Realist ( including Neo-Realist ) assumptions .
29 And Pamela noticed that the fine lines of stress on her forehead had gone and her eyes sparkled .
30 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
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