Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Get your butt on a bird , Slick , and let's make Bad Money .
2 I urge you to support this motion for temporary workers , and let's have equal rights for all .
3 Although the cement morphologies summarized in Fig. 5.29 occur principally in carbonate sediments , quartz meniscus cements have been described from sandstones ( e.g. Scholle , 1979 , p. 114 ) and may comprise partial overgrowth cements .
4 This makes difficult the maintenance of a uniform high quality within the textile works and may necessitate careful watch on the raw water to anticipate the effect of changes in composition .
5 It is not disputed by the Legal Aid Board , and indeed it is obvious , that the existing practice is highly convenient and may avoid unnecessary costs being incurred which would eventually fall on the legal aid fund if it were necessary in every case to set in motion a procedure for filing of evidence .
6 The range in the size of the core is striking , and may reflect various factors : the ‘ internal logic ’ of the discipline , professional requirements , student attitudes , even staff shortages .
7 It is concluded that studies of colonic manometry are feasible in children and may document discrete abnormalities in those with intestinal pseudo-obstruction with colonic involvement .
8 Dust is abrasive and may contain metallic particles .
9 Inevitably this process will address difficult questions and may generate difficult solutions which may in turn have severe effects on existing interests both inside and outside the organisation .
10 Agencies advertise locally in newspapers , and may carry regular advertisements in the national nursing press .
11 The abdomen is concerned with reproduction and may carry genital appendages ; it is also the seat of many metabolic processes .
12 Many children , particularly younger ones , develop anxieties about the possible loss or disappearance of their remaining parent and may show clinging behaviour or fear of being left alone .
13 He has full privileges and may create new users .
14 Ultimately , it does not matter that much whether the future arrangements of the EC are called federal , confederal , political union or whatever , except that labels may affect expectations and may accord spurious legitimacy to Community institutions .
15 Such problems would inconvenience existing passengers and may deter potential users .
16 A discontinuity known as the Thurber Discontinuity occurs in some Pacific areas : above it the corals are younger than 6 000–8 600 years old , depending on the locality , and may represent Post-glacial coral growth when sea level rose above the discontinuity .
17 some people are more vulnerable than others to the harmful effects of solvents and may suffer lasting damage .
18 This last point must not be overlooked and may prevent large capital sums being passed under Gift Aid ( but see 6. below ) .
19 However , simple standards may use up less resources in monitoring and enforcement and may prevent disastrous outcomes when there is uncertainty .
20 From them this informal account will recall at least some of the past and may awaken other recollections .
21 Clearly dominant ideologies are not equivalent to public opinion since the former are connected with power and may override local concerns .
22 Some studies , however , suggest that low amplitude waves ( typically 10–30 mmHg ) may also propagate over relatively long distances and may move colonic contents .
23 Smooth muscle relaxation by NO is mediated by raising intracellular cGMP concentration , which inhibits the release of calcium from intracellular stores and may produce mechanical changes without alterations in membrane potential .
24 Often a group of children will work alongside their teacher and may produce similar puppets , but at another time they may use the technique more creatively .
25 But this will have adverse effects on remaining upstream firms , who will be faced with a thinner market over which to cover their costs , and may harm overall welfare .
26 For example , the state may regulate the ownership of land through land tenure , or give foreign franchises and concessions , and may pursue national pricing policies for agricultural produce .
27 The research , co-funded by the National Environment Research Council and Central Electricity Generating Board ( since privatisation by the National Power/PowerGen Joint Environmental Programme ) , also addressed issues such as how pollutants affect the structure and processes of plant cells , and how ozone in the lower atmosphere causes abortion of oilseed rape flowers , reduces clover in grassland and may cause premature dropping of tree leaves .
28 Hydrogen peroxide has been used as an enema or as a cleaning agent for endoscopes and may cause mucosal damage when applied to the surface of the gut wall .
29 This can have devastating consequences , and may cause long-term damage to the urinary tract .
30 If no work is done , then the house will eventually collapse and may cause personal injuries to the occupants .
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