Example sentences of "and [conj] she [vb -s] her " in BNC.

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1 If Garry does n't appear soon she could well lose it , and if she does her health could be endangered . ’
2 Thus , a man may have sexual relations other than vaginal or anal intercourse with his mother , daughter , grand-daughter or sister provided that she is over 16 and provided she gives her consent in the legal sense of the term .
3 She has short-cropped sandy hair , a fixed stare and when she folds her arms across her chest you see a criss-cross of tattooes on her wrists .
4 She has understanding and maturity and when she lets her lover go , you feel it 's not completely the end of the world for her .
5 She has creases at the corners of her eyes , and when she lowers her head to avoid Howard 's serious gaze she has a fold of flesh under her jaw .
6 But Pope , now and then at least , deserted his couplets for stanzas with another movement , and so does she ; and when she does her instinct for a completeness of design is notable .
7 He wakes her gently , and as she opens her eyes , he says to her .
8 Once in position , the male begins to nudge her and as she lays her adhesive eggs , he fertilizes them .
9 Then she feels Sycorax struggling , and though she clamps her arms over hers where they are clasped around her shoulders so that Roukoubé 's head lies against them , Sycorax is letting go .
10 Mrs. Proudie , on the other hand , definitely has a mind of her own — and though she supports her husband she does it in her own particular way and follows her own idea of what is best for him .
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