Example sentences of "and [conj] she was going " in BNC.

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1 She knew exactly what she was doing and where she was going .
2 The dream about Adam had distressed her , and she had spent most of the previous night awake thinking about him , about her own life and where she was going .
3 After two hours she no longer believed that ordinary delays were keeping her daughter , who , according to her mother , was usually very punctilious about telling her if she was going to be late and where she was going as she knew her mother worried .
4 All her life she had had a clear vision of who she was and where she was going .
5 When Mary came in from work the day after the row she told Mum that she and Albert had had a talk and that she was going to stay with his parents for a bit while Albert sorted out a house and furniture and the paraphernalia of married life .
6 Mrs Frizzell had carefully cultivated her , too , but she let it pass , while Margaret complained that all four children had the measles and that she was going to have to leave them alone if the babysitter did not come soon ; she was not going to miss the dance at the Pinetree Club for worlds , and was dear Donna coming ?
7 And that she was going on Wednesday , I think .
8 Ruth drank thirstily because it was her first priority and because she was going to enjoy the next delicious moment and wanted to savour the expectancy of it .
9 Maisie was no longer on speaking terms with any of her family ever since her stepbrother 's son had asked her where she had parked the camel and when she was going to be circumcised .
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