Example sentences of "and [conj] you [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The important thing is to be open about yourself — both in terms of where you are oppressed and where you oppress others .
2 ‘ You give names to the things that matter to you , and where you live matters . ’
3 Er , do n't always take the first one and that you take loads of picture around , if you see an interesting subject , make sure you move around and take loads of pictures , and then select the one for printing .
4 And then suddenly I hear that you 've replaced the Minister of Interior , of National Defence , and other ministers , and that you replaced secretaries of the Central Committee .
5 In addition , we are asking that motion three zero eight be referred and that you support motion three zero nine .
6 We ask for three O eight to be referred or opposed if it is not and that you support motion three O nine as it 's in line with current policy .
7 Pope also confirmed that Miller was widely read in high circles because when staying in Bath in 1743 , he wrote to the Earl of Marchmont about a meeting there with Lord Chesterfield who had told him that ‘ your Lordship is got a-head of all the Gardening Lords and that you have distanc 'd Lord Burlington and Lord Cobham in the true scientific parts , but he is studying before you and has here lying before him those Thesarurus 's from which he affirms you draw all knowledge , Miller 's Dictionaries . ’
8 That you are proud of their work and that you want others to share in your pleasure is rarely mentioned .
9 They told you everything about the company , what their plans were , how much they earned and so you felt part of the team .
10 So you begin to take more cocaine , and quite soon you need more and more cocaine to unlock the gates of heaven , and once you reach heaven you do n't want to leave it and so you take still more cocaine , but by then it is n't working . ’
11 And finally , this obsession often obscures the very wonder of flying , and once you lose sight of that , you really are in trouble .
12 Said your piece and if you thought things were n't right .
13 First of all I should point out that the Nor the County Council er figure of none thousand seven hundred is actually a figure for local needs plus one hundred percent migration , and if you follow Mr Thomas 's figures that leaves a residual requirement of nine hundred and forty seven dwellings without any windfalls over the next thirteen years , which is quite inconceivable , so in order to establish his point on the need for the new settlement on tha on on his figures , the Bar Mr Grigson of Barton Willmore has to up the figure for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , as set out in his erm paper .
14 Punctuality always gives a good impression and if you cut things fine you will not be as calm and confident as you should be .
15 er for the time being and if you ask Dave about this thing you 've missed and also about what this business about erm cos he has explained it to me but I 'm not quite sure about it , this business of keeping a , a sort of l record of all the practicals for this term
16 The landscape of woodland and fields is very beautiful and if you like golf , you may well feel you have died and gone to heaven — there are an astounding twenty-five golf courses within a 20-mile radius and the local Ladybank course is an Open qualifier .
17 We had to explain to them what a three-dimensional , you know , lock-up page was and why , you know , gutters were a certain width and if you had column rules and gutters , you know , why they were centered and why you could n't , if you had a wide margin below three columns of text why you did n't move the gutter beyond where the text was n't so white , or why you did n't move it down and have it join a rule here because it would have been a real pain in the arse to have to do that in metal , so you just sit and do it .
18 And if you had paper plates people put them down on the floor , inevitably , somebody got drunk and put their plate on the floor , they were probably thinking about something else , and then the beet juice or the goo or whatever , soaked through the paper plate and onto the carpet and you never , never got it out .
19 I mean just read round for fun yo and see if there 's anything that sticks and if you get chance to use it in an exam , do Okay , then it says develop a stock of gems .
20 You 've got to bring back some deterrent to this bloody country , otherwise the next thing you 'll be getting is vigilante groups , and if you get vigilante groups then this country is in a hell of a bloody state and you will have bleeding trouble .
21 when you go into the villa , A you 've , got to have a car because there 's not a shop and B you 're a long way from the airport and if you get taxis you 're talking about fifty pound a touch from the airport , so that 's twice , so there 's a hundred pound gone already
22 Right and if you take E as about say ten seconds
23 And if you take Famagusta , it will be because of these actions .
24 And if you put pressure on government , you may in fact achieve the result that you want .
25 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
26 I mean these things are niggling and if you write poems you would write a poem about it .
27 These people suffered the depression and if you saw deprivation that was deprivation .
28 I came to understand fully about making biscuits and if you make things right you have a chance of selling them — as the Japanese have amply demonstrated .
29 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
30 The thief is on the look out for an easy opportunity and if you leave chemicals , feedstuffs or hand-tools in unlocked sheds or outhouses , you 're giving a criminal an open invitation .
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