Example sentences of "and [conj] it [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
2 Britain was granted a specially lenient deal because Environment Minister Lord Caithness argued that it could not fit FGD in the required timescale , and that it had domestic high sulphur coal which it ‘ had to use ’ whereas other countries relied mainly on imported low sulphur coal .
3 This meant both that the BBC itself was not to ‘ editorialize ’ about the news ( or ‘ matters of public policy ’ , as the Postmaster-General put it in 1927 ) and that it kept strict control over access to the airwaves .
4 A police officer said he suspected an enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
5 One police officer said he suspected a vast amount of explosive was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
6 Mr. Philipson also submitted that the notice was defective in form , on the grounds that it specified the documents by class and not individually , and that it contained certain other matter which was alleged to be ambiguous , but which I shall not quote , so as not to imperil anonymity .
7 Fujimori stated that the aid package did not address the all-round economic development needs of coca-growing areas , and that it victimized poor peasants who had no alternative but to grow coca crops .
8 The disadvantages of the Article were that it was perceived as dealing with ‘ representational ’ issues that were out of place in the Convention , that it undercut the position of non-liability of member States for treaties concluded by organisations , and that it placed excessive emphasis on the exceptional situation of the European Communities .
9 It was a relief to know that the house had not been depleted and that it remained uncontaminated .
10 She moved quickly to examine the long narrow table that had forms on either side , and although it looked clean enough she was not happy until she had washed it .
11 We continued fishing and although it went quiet for me Rick did have another two cats at 17lb 12oz and 12lb 8oz , but both seemed a little insignificant in the light of previous events .
12 I fixed a poor nut in a flared pocket , and although it seemed unlikely to hold , attached a sling and stood in it .
13 He liked to please the family and if it wished ill to the starveling cat then so did he .
14 Cost her what it might , she would break off her engagement , and if it meant social ruin , so be it .
15 And if it seemed surprising to reflect that the supremely versatile Hampshire trainer has not yet struck in our Classic races , it was even more incredible to learn from the man himself that Dead Certain 's victory in the richest two-year-olds race ever run in this country was his first success in a group one event .
16 The commission would draft a new constitution to be put to a referendum , and if it won popular support , multiparty presidential and legislative elections would be held before the end of the year .
17 When this happened we had to wait until it was repaired , and if it proved impossible we were entitled to see the next film the following Sunday , for nothing .
18 ‘ John 's method of working would be : ‘ Okay , this is in C , ’ and unless it had abnormal changes we just went for it .
19 After re-packing her case , she fervently hoped for the last time , she had a wash , and because it looked sunny and warm outside dressed in a skimpy vest with a blouse over the top , and a rather strange Fifties-style skirt covered in poppies .
20 I mustered the courage for a go at hot foil printing , and while it looked easy when done by a pro , I have a feeling Klondyke wo n't be offering me a job on the strength of my efforts .
21 ‘ With over 300 covers it was probably too big as a fish restaurant and while it stayed successful for some time as The Chicago Meatpackers , the area around it , in the West End of London , has changed in two major ways .
22 Glynn 's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar ( I only live in Aberdeen ! ) , modify it and return it within a few working days .
23 From there , if and when it became possible , he would be taken to the castle at Soragna where the Principessa Meli Lupi was prepared to take him on in the guise of a gardener — a refugee who had been rendered deaf and dumb in the bombing of Milan .
24 Unlike the Mitcham Order , the 1902 Bill did not pass through Parliament unscathed and when it became effective as an Act , on 31 July 1902 , many sections had been deleted , largely because of the very narrow roads named in Carshalton .
25 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
26 He waited for him to answer and when it became obvious that he could n't the older man voiced what he hoped was true .
27 Each cell had its own stimulus requirements and when it became active this said something about the nature of the event or object in its own part of the visual field .
28 Hoping that the male was not equally precocious proved vain , and when it became evident that the eggs had hatched I moved the male from the 18″ tank they had been sharing , and allowed the female to brood in isolation .
29 And when it became clear that the Earl would have no sons , it became a marriage which aroused high expectations — expectations which were disappointed when the King took Cornwall for himself .
30 The Rev. Donald McQueen , ‘ the most intelligent man in Skye ’ , was still with them , and while under sail he proceeded to give Johnson a pithy and useful outline of the landlord and tenant system as it operated , and as it proved unworkable .
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