Example sentences of "and [conj] it [vb -s] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His ferocious anti-Christianity , in no way the creature of fashion , never waned even in old age ; and he never forgot that literature is about something , and that it matters whether that something is true or false .
2 I hope that the hon. Gentleman recognises that the increase in unemployment last month was the lowest for almost a year , that it was the third successive fall in the rate of increase and that it shows that the rate of increase in unemployment in Britain is now coming down fast .
3 And supposing it melts and we have
4 The present drought is already one of the worst to affect southeastern Australia in that time , and if it persists until May it will match anything in the record .
5 Now does your er assessed requirement , or your assessment of needs , still remain at sixty three hectares , and if it does if it does , is that all taken care off within the one hundred and forty five hectares for the Greater York figure ?
6 But I 'll I 'll make enquiries , and if it looks like she has gone out I will have to get in and we I 'm sure we can twist an arm .
7 We are urgently searching for a set — I 've been informed that some surviving sets are twisted — and if it means that we have to look abroad for a new set in Poland than so be it !
8 A party seeking to recover his property , which may be held , for example , by someone who has done work on it , will have first to issue proceedings , and if it appears that a lien arises , the court may order that the party seeking to recover may pay into court , to abide the event , the amount in respect of which the security is claimed together with such further sum by way of interest and costs as the court directs , and upon such payment , the property be given up .
9 To create a Chebyshev filter , equation ( 12.22 ) shows that the poles of must be arranged to satisfy Making the helpful substitution so that the required condition ( 12.27 ) becomes or on equating real and imaginary parts Since can not be zero , and and it follows that the poles of are given by equation ( 12.28 ) subject to the two conditions where p is any integer ( positive or negative ) including zero , and Of course , the poles can also be obtained through similar substitution for rather than .
10 And because it assumes that gender differences are biologically or culturally fixed , it is especially likely to neglect psychological or social differences between women , to take female subjectivity as defining feminism , and to treat psychology as a form of social action in itself .
11 When Z 1 and Z 2 are pure reactances , is real and since it follows that The solution to equation ( 9.13 ) implies that or which means that there is no reduction in amplitude through a section of the filter .
12 When m = n , all integrals on the right-hand side of equation ( 11.3 ) are zero except that in which the integrand is , and since it follows that for to Multiplication of equation ( 11.1 ) by followed by integration over a period T similarly gives When , all integrals on the right-hand side are zero except that in which the integrand is .
13 Similar analysis establishes that when and since it follows that the third-order response exhibits maxima of unity at and at and a minimum of at .
14 While the consultation paper claims that ‘ the legislation should leave full scope for professional judgement ’ and while it insists that the law will provide a framework , ‘ not a straitjacket ’ , there are many who will see the legislation as the culmination of a strategy to whip teachers into line .
15 And whether it varies or whether it 's consistent .
16 Yet education has never guaranteed employment , and whether it has or has not been expected to , we must also consider the other purposes it may serve .
17 It is designed to watch the life of an application continuously , and when it detects that the application has crashed or hung , it recovers that application at an initial internal state or at the point at which data was last saved .
18 But I am sure that a dynamic system which is flexible enough to respond to congestion as and when it occurs and can cope over time with any land use intensity changes without modification , will be more acceptable to the travelling public than rigid systems .
19 Listen to a car passing on the road : as the car is approaching , its engine sounds at a higher pitch ( corresponding to a higher frequency of sound waves ) , and when it passes and goes away , it sounds at a lower pitch .
20 They can never win , and when it looks like they might , someone moves the goal post .
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