Example sentences of "and [conj] the [noun pl] come " in BNC.

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1 Although it would have been interesting to have known which were Dr. Blair 's books and where the others came from , the important point is to realise what a very wide range of reading was available to the small number of people in this village .
2 And if the peelers come lookin' for ye , ’ someone said , ‘ we 'll say we saw ye headin' north towards Castlebar . ’
3 ‘ Everyone is talking about it and before the pictures come out you can bet all the top designers will be using rope . ’
4 They should be constantly asking why a bottle is the shape it is and whether the ingredients come from a whale or from a natural substance of which there is great abundance .
5 A tow to the SS Reina Del Pacifico was followed by a wash in the Chief Petty Officers ' quarters , interrupted by two hits on the ship from a French battery , and when the canoeists came back on deck they found the canoe had been stripped by souvenir hunters , who now began asking for autographs .
6 And when the girls come back they can do that while you go to the dentist .
7 She burst out laughing at the absurdity of it , laughed until she cried , and when the tears came he groped across the table to touch her hand around the empty glass .
8 And when the tears come like that I think it is better to retreat , to go home , to go to sleep , to leave wherever you are and try to just sleep .
9 The world has an image of this country as democratic , the Switzerland of Central America , and when the tourists come , they only go to the beautiful parts , but they do n't go to other parts like Batan , Limón , Los Chiles , the peasant [ communities ] in the southern zone , where people live in difficult situations .
10 The Irishmen , if they had any cattle left , used to drive them into the street ; and they 'd carry on bargaining with the farmers under a street lamp ; and when the police came along they 'd move further on to another lamp until they 'd sold all their cattle . ’
11 And when the walls came tumbling down in Eastern Europe at the end of 1989 to reveal cowering and bitter populations , overflowing prisons and mental hospitals , ruthless armies of secret police and state informers , corrupt politicians and equality in misery only , they might have wondered how their parents could have given even a second thought to the self-evidently corrupt , ruthless and authoritarian appeal of the ideal of ‘ World Communism ’ .
12 Two people on opposite platforms and when the trains come they will go their different ways and not meet again .
13 Their knives were sent away for analysis and when the results came back indicating the presence of copper on the blades the rest of the suspects were released .
14 And when the words came through , pain stabbing through her brain and whipping round her body like barbed wire , words digging into the flesh .
15 It is only after the Glorious Revolution — with the emergence of regular sessions of Parliament , when much of the ordinary business of government ( as opposed to just crisis situations ) came to be conducted along party lines , when Parliamentary divisions over a range of issues allow us to see the consistency of party allegiance amongst MPs , and when the parties came to develop fairly sophisticated organisational structures for the pursuit of their political goals — that it is possible to talk of a two-party system .
16 And as the lights came up , she 'd sit down again and let the thing creep back up through her bones where it belonged .
17 With a mile to run the King 's colt Anmer was struggling to stay with the pace and started to drop back , and as the runners came down the hill Aboyeur was three lengths to the good , with Craganour , Day Comet , Shogun and Louvois best of the rest .
18 So , of course , what happened was that you had all these wonderful posters about you as you walked in the foyer and as the punters came out drunk , you sold them weekends in Ibiza .
19 ‘ We were playing a percentage game and as the points came so we expanded .
20 Every one of those men who went in the forces , who lived to tell the tale , was given their jobs back when they came back , because their jobs were replaced by women during the war , drivers and conductors , they were replaced by women and as the men came back , so the women were paid off , so everybody who came back from the war was given their job back .
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