Example sentences of "and [conj] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was hoped that a small part of those works could stay in operation , renovating locomotives and rolling stock and that eventually a heritage museum could be set up on the site .
2 And that exactly a century ago , the fifth Earl sold his splendid library to Mrs John Rylands , who gave it to Manchester ( though the university has since broken the spirit of the benefaction by selling part of it ) .
3 In the Court of Appeal Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. , at p. 282 , held that there might be express or implied limitations on the right to devolve in the statute , and that otherwise a decision to devolve could be attacked if it was irrational in administrative terms .
4 Even before last night 's talks began , AEEU general secretary Gavin Laird said he was ‘ extremely pessimistic ’ and that only a miracle could prevent the plant 's closure .
5 Surveys had shown that X-ray doses vary by a factor of 20 or 30 between different hospitals , and that about a quarter of all hospitals had been giving patients unnecessarily high doses .
6 Relations with Austen Chamberlain were never quite the same and although only a handful of MPs refused to sign the memorial they included personal friends of Law like Amery and Aitken .
7 Well , there were precedents for such things ; and if ever a monarch might not rest peacefully in the Fields of Aarru , that man was Akhenaten .
8 And if ever a man sleeps well after a day 's work done well that man is , and I pray God give him rest , Donald Templeton ! ’
9 And if ever a woman could make a rabbit pie , it 's our Maggie .
10 er , and if ever an incident happens in our part of Leicester , and there 's a police statement about it , it 's usually quoting him .
11 And and maybe an adult
12 Oh all of that , name calling and and quite a bit more .
13 This is because chemists ' experiments last for years not thousands of millions of years , and because only a handful of chemists , not thousands of millions of chemists , are engaged in doing these experiments .
14 He showed musical ability at an early age , and while yet a boy received a sound education in organ playing , singing , and composition .
15 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the plaintiff had at common law a cause of action in negligence against the defendants arising out of physical injury suffered by her before her birth and whilst still an embryo of about six weeks ' gestation en ventre sa mère and ( 2 ) the judge ought to have held that no cause of action was recognised at common law in favour of a living plaintiff in respect of physical injury suffered antenatally .
16 Despite such setbacks , the Germans continued their infantry frontal attacks with supporting parachute infantry outflanking Allied positions , and after nearly a month of confused fighting the Independent Companies were withdrawn through Bodö along with elements of the 24th Guards Brigade and Norwegian troops .
17 In fact they needed little breaking in and after only a couple of long walks they were very comfortable indeed .
18 ‘ But then the team suffered a run of injuries and after only a handful of matches I was back on the field . ’
19 While I was n't exactly happy about this , it was interesting to see what happened ; the tip of the Plexaurelia branch which had landed in the mushroom polyps developed blister-like clear vesicles , the whole animal kept inflating and deflating itself more frequently than usual , and after about a week collapsed completely .
20 And after about a week , there 'll be no pain in it , and you 'll be doing it no bother at all .
21 Martin takes them on unamplified , and after about an hour 's struggle , wins the day handsomely .
22 Gradually they gained the upper hand and after almost a week of savage fighting the Germans began to fall back .
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