Example sentences of "and [conj] [adj] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Against the backdrop of all this we have Sir Roger Elliot stating in his BA Conference address that ‘ in the last resort a trade association has limited sanctions that it can apply , and if necessary it is for booksellers themselves to take appropriate action ’ .
2 But in the last resort a trade association has limited sanctions that it can apply , and if necessary it is for booksellers themselves to take appropriate action .
3 It is information which is vital to any councillor who is trying to go through the analysis of cost centre by cost centre of the expenditures of this council and as such it 's vital that this information is available to us not only by combing through all the relevant minutes and in er minutes of committees that have taken place but paraded together in one place for us all and members of the public to be able to get access to it .
4 The story of a village choir which forms the basis of the novel was Hardy 's recreation of tales of the experiences of his father and grandfather as church musicians shortly before his own birth , and as such it is clearly drawn from his deepest and happiest memories .
5 The emission standards strategy is a relatively simple strategy to apply and as such it is a strategy that many countries initially adopt in order to control pollution from large single-emission sources which are deemed to be major polluters .
6 Although browsing may be considered as an alternative to the matching approach provided by keyword searching , in the online context it is equivalent to browsing the system 's indexes and as such it is of limited value .
7 We assumed it was a practice for the invasion of Europe , which must happen sometime , and as such it was no doubt a valuable experience .
8 It extended society 's consideration for deprived children towards those groups that had previously excited anger rather than compassion and as such it was a progressive and humanitarian measure .
9 In the third century B.C. Judaea proper was a small part of Palestine : it was almost identifiable with the territory of the city of Jerusalem , and as such it was still envisaged by Polybius in the middle of the second century B.C. ( 16 , fr. 39 ) .
10 However , the government insisted that the ritual was only an extension of the Niinamesai ceremony ( a 2,000-year-old annual tradition in which the Emperor offered a token of the new rice harvest to the Sun Goddess ) , and as such it was an integral element of Japanese culture .
11 My Lord the defence admit that no such advice was given to the plaintiff but they deny that they were under any duty er to give such advice and it is pleaded in the that er the defendants will rely upon the fact that Mr er held himself out to be er an experienced man of business and as such it was not necessary on their part to advise him upon the adequacy and arrangements for the financing of the operation .
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