Example sentences of "and [conj] [art] [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 He remembered where the saints had lain , and where the altars had stood ; he remembered the old confusion of secular and ecclesiastical affairs , and the use of the south porch as the place where pleas were settled which could get no solution in hundred or shire or royal court .
2 And from the fields and villages of England , where work has slowed to a trickle and where the landlords have enclosed the common lands ( after 1802 ) SO that even subsistence living is difficult , from these fields comes a mighty army of labour .
3 The radical attack on señorios came from Aragon and Valencia where the confusion between rent payment and feudal dues was most marked and where the lords had transferred to their Christian subjects the obligations that had once rested on the moriscos .
4 She stood , slowly turned , and where the spines had penetrated her she oozed bright sap .
5 The cheesemaker has the best control over his cheese if he is able to use the milk from his own flock or herd — he then knows exactly what he is getting and where the animals have been grazed as the type of grass and subsoil contributes much to the flavour of the milk and then the cheese .
6 It is also a pleasure for a nation of country lovers to escape from what is in danger of becoming a land of theme parks and golf courses , to a place in which the earth is actually used for growing things and where the workers have n't been reduced to the statutory rustic who sits in the corner of the saloon bar entertaining the merchant bankers .
7 It can be a good idea to check in advance that delivery will be on time and that no titles have been cancelled or delayed since subscription .
8 What was crucial here as far as Chicago was concerned was that it could now boast a movie theatre as good as anything in New York and that the movies had been decisively disassociated from ‘ immoral ’ ragtime music by now being coupled with the Symphony .
9 Associated Press of Pakistan claimed on Aug. 26 that Pakistani troops had repulsed an Indian attack on a post in Mirzapur , and that the Indians had " lost 20 lives including their two officers " while the Pakistanis " suffered two casualties " .
10 The wills and inventories of the inhabitants of Pennine villages , hamlets and farmsteads show that those described as clothiers had livestock amongst their possessions and that the farmers had stores of wool , spinning wheels and looms .
11 But it does not take long to decide that the experiment is being conducted with skill , and that the pursuits have at least a little in common .
12 I am glad that those arrested have been released and that the charges have been dropped .
13 And that the ships had again been delayed : the long-awaited new ships commissioned from King Svein of Denmark , about which King Svein of Denmark had been so apologetic .
14 Nevertheless , this approach has been included in the Department of Health guidelines ( DHSS 1984 ) with the recommendation that it is essential that each new intake of junior medical staff receives adequate psychiatric training in the assessment of attempted suicide patients , and that the physicians have regular access to psychiatrists to ensure that clinical standards are maintained .
15 Though the campaign scarcely gripped the imagination as the victories in the west had done — some reports hinted that the significance of the campaign had not been properly grasped , and that the victories had been unable to affect the popular mood for more than a very short time — it seemed to provide yet another example of Hitler 's strategic genius .
16 An Agence France-Presse report on Oct. 8 , citing the Armenian news agency Snark , said that over 100 Azerbaijani soldiers had been killed and that the attackers had also lost 10 T-72 tanks and other armour .
17 Erm the way I understand the situation is Tony 's happy with er his arrangement and that the clubs have agreed and I think it 's just a matter of them going back now to report back to their President the Italian people and then the way I see it he 'll he 'll go after the er game for a medical and you know there should n't be any problems there .
18 Jasim Ali had failed on Feb. 19 and that the officers had been executed .
19 Firstly , it seems that in practice the word " fair " adds little if anything to the definition , and that the courts have tended to focus in practice on what is " reasonable " .
20 I know little of military operations , but I am sure they have similar operational problems and that the crews have the same worries .
21 In an unsigned editorial it tried to explain it by saying that there were too many explicit photographs of homosexual acts in the book ( Mapplethorpe takes pictures of oral sex , of a man pissing in the mouth of his partner and of men buggering each other in various ways , including with a fist ) , and that the authors had therefore not left enough space for his more restful images , such as his ‘ superb studies of people and flowers ’ , which the author of the editorial obviously sees as representing Mapplethorpe 's angelic side .
22 This view was evidently shared by other bodies involved in the case , and one particular representative of the RSSPCC , Raymond Starr , when asked if they were really sure of their ground and that the children had had to be removed from their homes in the devastating dawn raid , had replied : ‘ Oh yes .
23 When the series of sessions with the advisory teacher came to an end , Betty said that she thought that the work had gone well and that the children had enjoyed it , although she had noticed that the response of the ‘ difficult ’ children , whom she also described as ‘ poorly motivated ’ , was much the same as usual .
24 After investigation and treatment follow up data were collected to ensure that no recurrence of anaemia occurred and that the symptoms had resolved .
25 Not in shame , but in confusion and surprise she realised that her eyes were opaque with tears , and that the voices had swayed into the foreground and taken on a meaning .
26 Also , it was pointed out that the profitability of the Banks in Northern Ireland shows steady growth and that the Banks have ample ability to pay an increased salary to IBOA members .
27 LDOCE is of particular interest , since it is claimed that its entries are defined using a controlled vocabulary of around 2,000 words , and that the entries have a simple and regular syntax [ Boguraev & briscoe , 1989 ] .
28 It is claimed that the entries within LDOCE are defined using a controlled vocabulary of about 2000 words , and that the entries have a simple and regular syntax [ Boguraev & briscoe , 1989 ] .
29 He was , he said , too confused to stop them , although he believed the request to search the church was quite improper , and that the police had acted illegally .
30 On Nov. 4 an opposition newspaper reported that three students had been killed in Oujda and that the police had arrested a number of Algerian nationals in connection with the killings .
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