Example sentences of "and [conj] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is most likely to occur in weak sappy growth that has grown fairly recently , like a flower stem , and where leaves on that stem have not yet had time to make the carbohydrates and store the energy in the storage cells of the node .
2 In my view racism , which should be distinguished from racial discrimination , should be restricted to discourses which group human populations into ‘ races ’ on the basis of some biological signifier — for example , ‘ stock ’ — with each ‘ race ’ being regarded as having essential characteristics or a certain essential character ( as in the phrase ‘ the British character ’ , or in attributions to ‘ races ’ of laziness , rebelliousness , or industriousness ) and where inferiorization of some ‘ races ’ may or may not be present .
3 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
4 He thought that a sum should be awarded for the instruction given to the children with regard to their upbringing and perhaps their homework and that services of this kind were as much a service as other matters conventionally regarded as such .
5 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
6 It is also clear that reading must be accorded high priority in inner-city schools and that teachers in those schools need support in this endeavour .
7 It shows that not all labourers ' cottages were flimsy hovels and that families in this group could aspire to reasonable comfort .
8 When faced with proposals which offer ‘ a reorientation of communications cutting across traditional routes and boundaries ’ , which in English means building roads over people 's houses , and that routes for these roads are represented by a squiggle from a felt tip pen , which then is incorporated as the project logo , we must begin to wonder if the DED and DOE are poking fun at the communities likely to suffer .
9 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
10 It became clear during this work that there is some uncertainty and confusion about identity among many Laz themselves , and that representatives of these people elsewhere in Turkey can be very misleading .
11 Not so strange , perhaps if one reflects that all moral dramas need villains as well as heroes , and that Leavis above all offered moral drama .
12 President Snegur stated that Russian officers living in the Dnestr region would be allowed to serve in the Moldovan national armed forces , and that units of these armed forces would be stationed in eastern Moldova ( i.e. the Dnestr republic ) .
13 On the car radio the BBC World Service announces that this morning ( 6th May ) , for the first time in forty years , the authorities in Soviet Moldavia have opened the Soviet-Romanian border across the river Pruth and that people on both sides of the border have launched millions of flowers into the waters , with thanksgiving services being held on both sides of the border .
14 In the second outcome , we discover that females are more likely to be in low status jobs , and that people in such jobs are more likely to go absent , but that being female , once type of job is controlled , does not affect absentee behaviour directly .
15 There was also concern that several areas had been reoccupied by UNITA and that troops from both sides were involved in criminal acts .
16 What may be unusual is my conviction that constitutional change , a reordering of the formal arrangements of political power and the nature of the British State , is a precondition for the achievement of the other changes , and that demands for this change may well be the vehicle through which other aspects of the strategy are developed and used as a stimulus to political action .
17 He speculated that the gases may have been injected into microcracks in the Martian rocks during an impact event , and that samples of these rocks were subsequently orbited to Earth .
18 The joint council of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) member states and representatives of the European Communities held its third meeting in Kuwait on May 16 , and issued a statement noting that the EC 's proposed carbon tax [ see p. 38938 ] had been discussed at length , that GCC countries had expressed doubt as to its effectiveness in curbing emissions , and that negotiations on this topic would continue .
19 He points out that according to the recollections of Dr Sandison , Deputy Superintendent from 1954 to 1964 , it had been difficult to fill the beds at Powick with patients admitted from the county and that admissions from such places as Birmingham , outside the catchment area , often of severely disabled people , were accepted .
20 They saw some ‘ family homes ’ which looked like ordinary mental hospital wards and although patients in some wards were referred to as ‘ guests , ’ this did not prevent them from being confined by locked doors .
21 Played and and things of that kind .
22 having homework space at home and and things like that .
23 And she used to tell us like and and things like that .
24 Do I , for general purposes , have to carry on going through all the cost estimates and and stuff like that ?
25 I think local Government 's gon na be an absolute pigs ear if you 've got two tiers two tiers in one county and and authorities in another .
26 Because public investment in major new equipment has been concentrated in France in the public hospitals , and because specialists in these hospitals are full time , it is the public hospitals that provide the setting for major medical care in France .
27 If necessary , considerably more complex calculations are justified because of the speed of internal storage operations , and because use of such a calculation allows the unbroken key sequence to be exploited .
28 Indeed , ; second , while there are connections between at least some elementary general training and the advanced forms of professional training , and while access to these advanced forms , for those who want it , is still relatively open , the form of division between ‘ artist ’ and ‘ public ’ need not be at all of a damaging kind ; it is often in practice a willing and serious interchange between professionals and those interested in the highest development of these/skills .
29 We hope to address the function of this DNA/protein interaction by further characterisation of the protein binding to the SSB sequence and determine whether cruciform formation is possible at this region of the DNA and whether formation of such a structure is stabilised by the sequence specific DNA binding protein .
30 More ominously , some are now asking whether the days are numbered for the last of the Edwardian motor cars — Rolls-Royce was founded in Manchester in 1904 — and whether cars of this size , weight and cost can really be justified in an era of increased social awareness and growing environmental concerns .
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