Example sentences of "and [adv] this is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not saying it 's one that the tribunal should have accepted , but , but , but what I 'm saying is th there is an element of psychological truth in that , because if Freud 's theories if er bond Freud theory group behaviour is correct , then that does seem to happen some extent that the leader as it were takes and presumably this is why some people erm presumably er feel better in groups , perhaps that they get something out of a group that their own ego can not provide , but other people are uncomfortable in groups because they feel that their ego is being alienated and they 're losing some of their some of their power .
2 Important events require some preparation if we are to make the most of them and arguably this is more true of retirement than of any other stage .
3 The pattern of adhesiveness on the wall has a high point in the form of a band around the wall and so this is where the cells , through repeated explorations by their long filopodia , come to rest .
4 The Co-op butcher was , had got his own shop lower down You could get everything in that one street and now in this modern age , we 've got nothing , we 've got to get on a bus and get into Walsall and so this is where it , we get infuriated because you know , in this progress we 've lost out have n't we ?
5 Of course , by the time someone comes to see me they have usually made up their mind that hypnosis will be beneficial for them and so this is not a situation I encounter very often .
6 There may be a handful of key employees brought in by that company to the location to establish the plant erm and to erm recruit and run the work force but my experience of these inquiries and prospective inquiries is that generally speaking they are looking to recruit labour locally and so this is not a housing generator type of development .
7 And so this is how it ends , she thought minutes later as she walked with steady steps across the wooden planks .
8 And perhaps this is just as well , for were it not so , and were we to believe that personality became irreversibly set in the first two ( or three , or five ) years of life we should have to believe , first , that any child harmed then was beyond help and thus clinically not worth bothering about ; and , second , that children in later years were not vulnerable and that experience then was of no consequence .
9 The holiness of the Spirit of the Lord stands in sharp contrast to the unholiness of his fallible servants , and perhaps this is why the Spirit is here called Holy .
10 The third and last of Freud 's categories of basic psychopathology , the psychotic conflict between the ego and reality , seems an unpromising candidate for externalization ; and perhaps this is why the incidence of psychosis shows no sign of diminishing in modern culture in the way in which , for instance , hysteria has diminished .
11 Many homes , in Great Britain at least ( and perhaps this is more true of the private sector ) , still offer no privacy for the elderly who do not have their own rooms , who have no locks on the lavatories and who have to suffer the indignity of being bathed and examined by a non-qualified member of staff of the opposite sex .
12 This seems to be the best way for arts teachers to preserve their competence and thus their credibility with pupils and perhaps this is how it should be .
13 They 've actually gone from a full service back to this level because this is what they 've found is what people need and obviously this is surely what we should be able to do , erm I think that you know by providing the extra ten thousand my concern now is that we actually make sure that our offices are fully covered here .
14 In discussing economic support I indicated that the net flow continues to be from older to younger generations and normally this is not reversed .
15 Catching the first ‘ wee ’ in the potty is an important milestone and usually this is more by luck than judgement .
16 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
17 Its full name is 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride , and even this is n't a true systematic name because it still refers to methacrylate chemistry .
18 All this , besides the preliminary pasting of the wrapper , coloured paper and sandpaper had to be done 144 times for 2¼d , and even this is not all , for every drawer and case have to be fitted together , and the packets tied up with hemp .
19 Second , never do it in type of less than about 10-point ; and even this is really too small in newspapers .
20 And surely this is not conducive to kids really studying ?
21 Erm when you 've finished sorting them out into their little piles , if you 'd like to then put each little each pile into a separate bag , so all your bones would go into one pile er one bag , erm all your pottery into another bag , and then this is where the label comes in .
22 Depends what and how this is where we get husband and wife survivorships .
23 Instead they should work via logical objects , and indeed this is particularly encouraged by the SGML standard .
24 In a chapter of this length it is not possible to produce a comprehensive guide to the practice of international selling and exporting and indeed this is not the objective .
25 These effects can be interpreted as the effects of people 's choices , and indeed this is often so .
26 In an ideal world each news outlet would receive a release tailored to its particular needs , and indeed this is sometimes possible .
27 And yet this is just what we must do .
28 And yet this is hardly fair .
29 And again this is n't my opinion , it is something that is demonstrated by the traffic predictions which have been produced by the County Council .
30 And that 's bad news , I mean , and I 'm sure you 'd feel that way yourselves in many I think basically no one welcomes the interfering busybody , as you may be looked upon , but then strangely , and again this is where the ambivalence comes in , when it suits us , you 're of course our knights in shining armour .
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