Example sentences of "and [adv] a [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By 1800 less than a third of English imports came from the continent and only a fifth of her exports went there .
2 LITERALLY BEHIND THE TIMES Books are still subject to resale price maintenance , sale or return is the norm , and only a third of all retailers have embraced electronic point of sale techniques .
3 Yet this modest advance in steam conditions was approached late and with circumspection : the sets on order for the whole of the 1950s commissioning programmes remained mainly the 30MW and 60MW sizes , and only a third of the sets adopted the more advanced steam conditions .
4 This involved repeating various commands given by Sergeant Moustaine , which was difficult as he spoke fast and only a third of our Section spoke French .
5 We found that only about one in five of all establishments used either form of temporary worker and only a third of those used them in numbers equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
6 At York , admissions to the freedom of the city show that in the period 1301–1550 less than one-seventh of those admitted were drawn from citizen stock , while at Romney in Kent between 1433 and 1523 , a quarter of the freemen came from outside the county , and only a third from within a 5-mile radius of the town ( 70 ) .
7 Only two in five Scots electronics jobs are with UK-owned firms , and just an eighth of input — components , materials , utilities — is Scottish .
8 By the age of seven , more than half the boys and nearly a third of the girls were being hit at least once a week .
9 And nearly a third of 2,000 women questioned for the Me magazine survey admitted having unprotected sex .
10 They were particularly vulnerable during their first 12 months and about a third of them did not live to reach the age of 10 .
11 To be sure , many core groups from the old Democratic coalition voted in large numbers for Reagan , including Catholics , Jews , southerners , blue-collar workers , union members , the poor and even a third of the unemployed .
12 In 1981 , for example , just under half of the male labour force and around a third of the female labour force in service industries were in manual , ‘ blue-collar ’ occupations .
13 In no time , he 'd bought a second one for Liam in Milltown , and then a third in Warrenpoint and now Liam was just about to clinch a site in Newry .
14 We have been paying them in England since 21 February and virtually a third of claims have been met .
15 From the seventh month onwards there is a marked increase In weight and by the end of that month it is about two thirds of the length and almost a third of the weight which it will achieve by birth .
16 Thousands of young people will be spending this Christmas on the streets because they have no home to go to , and over a third of them will have spent most of their childhood in care .
17 Women make up over two-fifths of APA boards and committees and over a third of its main governing bodies .
18 In fact , over 80 per cent of the women with hysterical or sociopathic disorders had , as children , lived away from both natural parents at some time , and over a third of the men diagnosed in adulthood as schizophrenic had been taken into care during childhood .
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