Example sentences of "and [pron] will [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I have resolved in my heart to hear your complaints two days in the week , on the Monday and the Thursday ; but if causes should arise which require haste , come to me when ye will and I will give judgment , for I do not retire with women to sing and to drink , as your Lords have done , so that ye could obtain no justice , but will myself see to these things , and watch over ye as friend over his friend , and kinsman over his kinsman .
2 Bill Walker , MP , who has criticised the Scottish Office for what he says is their failure to help the family , said : ‘ I will be here when they come to evict the family and I will stand shoulder to shoulder with them . ’
3 ‘ I will bring the shoes I am making for you now , the ones with the amethysts as decoration and I will expect payment for the work I 've done , mind .
4 My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary and I will meet car manufacturers for a return match this Wednesday and there will be some plain speaking .
5 Erm , twenty-two two the recommendations not yet dealt with , the first is the review of the County Farms estate , and I will move paragraph nine one , that is to say the recommendation of the property services sub-committee okay , here we are , which is a recommendation to this committee to adopt option one as set out in the submitted report namely to maintain the County Farms estate at around it 's present size , and to manage it in accordance with the nineteen eighty-eight review of the estate .
6 ‘ Birth is a natural event , ’ was all she offered , ‘ and I will tell Pen so . ’
7 These will fade away and I will find joy and enthusiasm for what I do .
8 I tell you what father , I 'm your eldest daughter , I will go to the city , and I will become queen .
9 Indeed , for the sake of clarity , and for the avoidance of any doubt , I propose in any event to insert an exception to cover the section 39 notice , and I will hear counsel as to the appropriate wording .
10 As a result , I direct the defendants to comply with the section 39 notice , and I will hear counsel as to any other appropriate orders , including of course the wording of the exception to be inserted in the injunction .
11 ‘ I shall hang it in the kitchen for a week , ’ she said , ‘ and then you can go out for the evening and I will have bread sauce and fried breadcrumbs , and game chips and red currant jelly and watercress and pheasant . ’
12 And I will have justice done this day ! ’
13 Rosa in the chapel with her head bent over her hands , her legs stiff from kneeling , thought , We will go away together , somewhere different from here , to Africa , he said , he wanted to go there , and I will take care of him , we are like each other , we are both … and she hunted for the word because she did not want to use the word ‘ misfit ’ , and found ‘ changeling ’ .
14 He could then give some thought to the inequities of the council tax , so called , which is the nasty twin brother of the poll tax and which will leave debris — caused by the Prime Minister and the Conservative party — all over the country .
15 I hope and believe that the local government commission will serve a real purpose in bringing forward reform which is now overdue , which is in line with Conservative party policies , and which will deliver value for money and improve the quality of services — the hallmarks of good Conservative control .
16 Do away with the brutality of the ‘ cat ’ , but keep the birch , which may hurt , which will not injure and which will bring ridicule on the person who receives it .
17 The Open Software Foundation plans to establish a string of new business partnerships across Europe and the US and which will provide support , training , education and consultancy services for users and potential OSF technology customers .
18 This is a level which the directors believe is sustainable and which will allow room for growth in the future as the underlying profitability of the Group recovers .
19 And you will show loyalty to me —
20 ‘ The Spirit will bear witness to me … and you will bear witness ’ ( 15:27 ) .
21 ‘ Eat like that , McAllister , and you will grow fat . ’
22 To same yourself having to stretch too much when cleaning the bath and surrounding tiles , says Elizabeth Hagglund of Birmingham , keep a long-handled squeezy mop for the purpose , and you will avoid backache .
23 The fish , according to species , will need swimming space , and hiding places , and you will need accessibility for tank maintenance .
24 Think of some of the actions which have led you to form instant opinions about others , either favourable or unfavourable , and you will realize bow quickly and easily it happens .
25 Fortunately mortgages tend to be a little cheaper than other loans and you will receive tax relief on the interest you pay , up to a maximum of 30,000 , at your highest rate of tax .
26 Price it too low and you will lose money .
27 Lose weight too quickly and you will lose muscle tissue as well as fat .
28 Keep your mind fully involved with this process and you will find sleep gently enfolds you .
29 But they are also big meat eaters and you will find suckling pig and rabbit offered on most menus .
30 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
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