Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fourthly , we may single out what is ordinarily called an event or change , partly because of its brief duration , and thereby distinguished from what is called a standing condition — say the movement of a lever as against its tensile strength .
2 Quickly , my aunt searched for , and eventually removed from her black suitcase a small , green metal tin , labelled ‘ Dangerous Drugs Box ’ .
3 Reid was repulsed after a bitter inter-union struggle , was charged and found guilty of disorderly conduct and eventually ejected from his office as branch secretary .
4 It is notable too that this liberal interpretation is proposed by the jurist , and merely adopted from him by the emperor .
5 Outside the royal factories and the new concerns of Valencia and Barcelona , there was no proletariat physically and morally isolated from its employers .
6 Eliot was " tall , gaunt , of pallid hue and tensely withdrawn from anything reminiscent of the flesh " .
7 The statement went on to say that UITF 3 ‘ clearly indicates that the goodwill component should be included as part of the profit or loss on disposal , and not distanced from it as a separate item .
8 The algorithm originally adopted was that a pixel was to be ON if more than five of the surrounding eight pixels were ON , OFF if fewer than three were ON , and not changed from its existing value if from three to five were ON .
9 The study explored the experience of secondees as they prepared for secondment , adjusted to it , stabilised within it and finally departed from it .
10 But it can only happen , he wrote , if it is totally and utterly divorced from me .
11 During the time that I was at MainMan , David had become more and more removed from us , but I figured that that was because he was so busy and that was the way it was when you had become a big star .
12 It turns out , I think , that he was being purposely more and more removed from us in order to retain whatever Tony DeFries 's idea was of keeping business separate from pleasure .
13 Shiona longed to yell , Stop ! , and pour out the truth and see the rage and the pain and the hatred of her finally and forever erased from his face .
14 Quite simply , nothing unclean shall enter heaven or dwell in the presence of God so if we wish to spend eternity with Christ we need to be thoroughly and permanently cleansed from our sins , totally purged and in fact clothed with the righteousness of God .
15 I was eventually told to appear once a fortnight and later relieved from my duty altogether , probably because the senior officer I reported to was replaced .
16 ‘ As to that , madam , I shall go further , ’ he said gallantly , whereupon he unfastened his leather pouch and carefully removed from it the Great Seal of England .
17 She moistened lips that still felt tender and slightly bruised from his kisses .
18 Some readers may get no further than the title of this book suggesting , as it seems to , something austere , authoritarian , Catholic and far removed from their own experience !
19 Under this new dispensation things foreign and far removed from our own polluted urban world acquire all exotic piquancy , an exciting glamour , which causes them to be approached with a mixture of reverence and hope .
20 The prince at last leaned forward on the verge , we assumed , of uttering some revelation — but instead blocked his right nostril with his index finger and noisily expelled from his left an impressive length of mucus which plummeted precisely through a small hole in the floor .
21 Directors chipped in with their ideas of picking a team , and niggled when , umpteen people having poked their noses and opinions in , a team emerged and inevitably differed from their several choices . ’
22 He 's married to someone so socially and culturally removed from him she might as well be a foreigner . ’
23 The Statute of Treason , passed in 1352 , set out a limited definition of the crime , and implicitly excluded from its scope political offences of the kind that had brought so many families to destruction between 1322 and 1330 .
24 But he is old , deeply unpopular , and increasingly isolated from his own party .
25 As he grew older , however , he gave up walking and seldom stirred from his club in St James ; there he could be seen reading newspapers , endlessly , indiscriminately , about great events and small in the order they appeared on the page .
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