Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 I felt helpless and despairing and suddenly so ill that I had to clutch at the door to stop myself falling .
2 This is a relatively small volcano , and so easily accessible that it has even been suggested that a hotel should be built beneath it , to make an especially attractive night spot for jaded Guatemalans , but so far no one has risked the capital .
3 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
4 The water was warm and still and so very clear that they could see the lights of the suspended arc-lamps even before they dipped below the surface of the darkened Aegean .
5 It was quite ridiculous and so very obvious that he was doing this for many dubious reasons of his own .
6 For three whole days she 'd blanked out the memory of that kiss they 'd shared , but now it came flooding back with a vengeance , hot and strong and so seductively real that she could have wept for shame .
7 The result : division , geographical and stylistic , and so balefully profound that Neath supporters were quite happy to see Wales lose at home to Romania .
8 And in the depths of the forest , the humming is still strong , and the wind is still swirling all about us , and something is stirring , something that is so strong and so purely magical that no one has ever been able to resist it …
9 It is interesting and perhaps methodologically important that the Conversation Analytic approach tentatively provides support for the " we code " / " they code " distinction , independently of " given " notions of " we " and " they " .
10 It thus appears most unlikely that Fahreddin Acemi could have held the kadilik of Edirne for a significant period and much more likely that he never held it at all ; and in this respect , in his not holding a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , Fahreddin Acemi seems not only to differ from his predecessors but also to resemble all his successors in the office of Mufti .
11 I agree wholeheartedly , too , with testing — but the tests have to be right — and not so overwhelming that hundreds of hours of teaching time are lost to those children waiting their turn to be tested .
12 Traditional Keynesian analysis required government to intervene in the economy to affect the total level of demand for goods and services , and to ensure that this level was high enough to be consistent with full employment and not so high that inflation was generated or a balance of payments crisis precipitated .
13 Let's face it , we 're quite selfish in the fact that we want to ensure that the area that we live in is safe for us and not too concerned that three or four estates down the road unless it starts to affect us .
14 Staring into the distance and thus blissfully unaware that his jaw had clenched ominously , she plunged on .
15 Take the moment in the ‘ Pantomime ’ from part three where Pan/Daphnis declares his love for Syrinx/Chloé ( fig. 173 : Rattle , track 12 , 0′53″ ) : Abbado 's LSO strings slide around in an appallingly sticky manner here , whereas Rattle 's declaration is whispered , tender and somehow delightfully aware that this is ‘ play ’ within a play ; as is his treatment of the same passage forte a few bars on ( at 1′44″ ) , you can sense Pan 's mock desperation as Syrinx disappears among the reeds — it is a deliberately exaggerated gesture ( back of hand against forehead ? ) and very amusing .
16 Liz had never admired , and had at times expressed somewhat freely ( and in her own view wittily ) her lack of response to Henrietta 's frigid style and vapid conversation , but nevertheless felt herself , in Henrietta 's presence , rendered almost as dull as Henrietta , and moreover uneasily aware that in other houses , in other milieux , at a distance , in other circles , she had seen Henrietta sparkling , laughing , surrounded by life — vacuous life , feverish small talk , no doubt , but life — a life that froze in Liz as she contemplated her guest 's stiff blue taffeta gown ( this was surely a gown , not a dress , and , not even English , probably French ) , her exposed white bosom , her diamond necklace ( well , probably diamonds , why not ? ) , her high white forehead , her thin dark-red lips .
17 I was vaguely aware that the dance floor had cleared like morning mist and also acutely conscious that Nolan knew volumes more about bare-knuckle fisticuffs than I did .
18 In this rather similar example , however , we think it is much clearer that the comma is a mistake and far less likely that it is simply a style variant : This has the implication that , novel-writing in Wales …
19 They are satirical and often so horrific that they were suppressed at the time .
20 And even more amazing that he can still squeeze through chimneys and central heating air vents in tower blocks .
21 It is dispiriting that few people now seem to comprehend the subtleties of English grammar , and even more dispiriting that the ignorant should presume , publicly and erroneously , to correct the well informed .
22 Sir : I am sorry that John Torode ( 3 October ) found the Salman Rushdie seminar ‘ dispiriting ’ , and even more sorry that he perceives in it the birth of a ‘ dangerously illiberal orthodoxy ’ .
23 It seemed an unlikely sort of place , and even more unlikely that Laura 's conservative parents should entrust their daughter to it .
24 ‘ It 's very unlikely that it survived the Civil War in 1919 , and even less likely that it was looted during the war and brought out of Russia in one piece .
25 One can understand a steam locomotive appearing wreathed in smoke and surplus steam to fascinate the unsuspecting person and seemingly so solid that one could reach out and touch it , but a Deltic ?
26 Ace ducked , certain that Defries would land on top of her and then equally sure that nothing of the sort was about to happen .
27 Cooking became a kind of therapy which he greatly enjoyed , but the results could be bizarre : ‘ things in pastry ’ were a favourite ( the things might be tins of beans and of peppers ) , and sometimes so awful that Dieter and Reid would wait in the car until John had fallen asleep , to avoid having to eat them .
28 And how pathetically ironic that a bunch of Americans , who normally carp on about freedom of speech and the First Amendment , resort to crushing records which contain perfectly innocent torch songs when they defend to the hilt the right of misogynist swine like 2 Live Crew to peddle their filth with impunity .
29 In fact it was almost certain that the Chairman would offer him the job — it was in a pressed steel company of which his father-in-law was a director — and almost equally certain that he would accept it if he did .
30 So immediately , the reader feels that this is a good woman , whom any man should be proud to have as a wife , and therefore rather annoyed that the Reverend Crawley seems not to value her as he ought .
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