Example sentences of "and [adv] [noun pl] may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The current area may not appear attractive to staff , possibly because of high house prices , and so firms may want to move to help their recruitment or perhaps reduce their staff turnover levels .
2 Not all expatriates receive company cars and so employers may provide car loans or make payment towards the cost of shipping an employee 's car from home .
3 You are an alien , and so men may believe they are justified in breaking the Yasa to encompass your death . ’
4 California has long been at the green cutting edge , and had the bill been passed , other states and possibly nations may have followed in its wake .
5 Many will have committed sexual offences that other prisoners find abhorrent ; some will have been informers who helped the police in the hope of obtaining a shorter sentence and still others may have built up debts inside prison that they can not repay .
6 Many authorities regard the Monoplacophora as lying at the root of the other molluscan groups ; gastropods , cephalopods and even bivalves may have been derived from them .
7 Stupor with jerking of muscles and even convulsions may occur .
8 Greater coherence can be effected in the curriculum through a clear understanding of what is intended and how students may demonstrate what they know , understand and can do .
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