Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't think she threw knives these days and mercifully she had n't sung ‘ The Cowboys ' Christmas party ’ since their time in Chelsea .
2 so I put it in the paper and luckily somebody came along
3 The stone did n't hit him and luckily it did n't come through the front window or something more serious could have happened . ’
4 Zuwaya said they should not watch television together ; sons should not smoke in their father 's presence , nor try to wheedle or coax money from them ; and mostly they did not do those things .
5 And on they sped so swiftly that she might almost have cried out with Ostanes , less in trepidation than delight , ‘ Save me , O God , for I stand between two exalted brilliances …
6 And eventually they said well the stereotype is basically sort of like the equivalent in litho plate making really said that this was , no of course it is metal , sorry it 's not metal , it is letterpress The Guardian and it is , they make these Nyclopone plates or something and they really wanted to keep it for that reason .
7 And eventually they got in and went off .
8 Nothing much was doing , though , and eventually I went home for a bite to eat and a well-deserved kip .
9 He worked to revive her and eventually she recovered enough to be wrapped and put on the sledge .
10 Her career quickly took off at top international level ; his did not , and eventually he went back to Russia .
11 Rocks and loose dirt were pulled away and eventually he dragged out a tattered leather bag .
12 The bruising flak searched for him again , but he ignored it and eventually it went away .
13 And instinctively she reached out her arms as if to circle his neck and draw him down into an imaginary embrace .
14 He took a step towards her and instinctively she backed away , then stopped dead in her tracks , irritated anew by her own reaction and still more by the answering glint in his eyes .
15 The exposure was a little frightening at first and instinctively he kept close to walls .
16 And presumably you did n't do that with Mr Nott , the Secretary of State of the day ?
17 And presumably you did n't want to disappoint Ibn Fayoud . ’
18 ‘ Cool off , Ruth , ’ he ordered sharply and was about to slam out of the room when her speech came back in a rush and furiously she hit out with her pièce de résistance .
19 He had assumed her consent to the plan , Belinda realised as he started the engine , and weakly she did n't object .
20 Its arms and legs began to move , and slowly it sat up .
21 Slowly he removed the hat and slowly he looked down at it , his vision blurred by alcohol , but for all anyone knew it could have been tears .
22 I opened the desk and slowly I took out the box and opened it .
23 Suddenly she was aware of her cardigan being draped around her shoulders and slowly she looked up to see Nathan standing beside her .
24 The thought lit a spark of rebellion , and slowly she sat up , pushing tousled hair back from her tear-streaked face .
25 There was no one about when she let herself into the house , and thankfully she went quietly up to her room .
26 He moved again , and gladly she leaned over and pressed the bell on the wall beside the cot and got up to get the breast tray .
27 The mystery was in all of their thoughts as silently and grimly they came alongside .
28 And locally we carried out a similar exercise some six months ago which showed that eighty two percent of the businesses were still there after months .
29 And suddenly I looked so bad .
30 It was too indefinite , and suddenly I felt very sorry for her .
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