Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 But before that , to the north , numerous small rivers and tributaries — including the likes of the Bruar Water , the Banvie , the Tilt and the Fender Burn have all fattened the River Garry before it feeds into the Tummel and on down into the Tay .
2 On top of the Alice Liddell , the floods swivelled and became searchlights , two broad beams shining up at the roof of the bay and on out into the dark gulf beyond .
3 Well they want to connect Mansfield then they want to connect eventually right up through Worksop and on out into the main lines .
4 and right back into the er , the Keltic legions and the medieval monks .
5 The Sergeant , suspecting that the enemy infantry was hiding in the mist-skeined wheat field , turned his horse of the lane , forced it through a ditch and so up into the wheat .
6 He knew , as well , that Tree Spirits cling tenaciously to their homes until those homes become untenable because of the Tree dying and drying and he thought that Miach 's spell must have been stronger than any of them had thought for it to draw the Spirits so filly and so firmly into the open .
7 In the first place you 've got to type all those numbers , names and so on into the thing before it becomes of any real use .
8 To bring P P G seven and so on into the statutory plan
9 And so late into the night .
10 The payment of a royalty allowed way-leave only on the one farm , so that all the quarry roads on that piece of land ran into the main drove and so down into the highway ’ .
11 At length , the larger of the two came out , slipped along the bank under cover of the brambles and so down into the ditch and up into the field .
12 Mysteriously she had been transported into the bubble — and not only into the bubble , but also into the spacecraft .
13 The casket was cast into the river Nile nearby in the hope it would be carried down the river and finally out into the Mediterranean Sea to be lost for ever .
14 With great daring Philip actually wrote in his third Report that occupation of the villa ‘ certainly lasted until the very end of the fourth century , and possibly well into the fifth century ’ ( p. 60 ) .
15 I think of Camus and the beauty that each year is pushed further and further out into the oil-filmed sea .
16 Typical English , thought Pamela , their first day and straight out into the midday sun .
17 Yelling the news to Douglas , who was swording with Sir Walter Comyn , Ramsay dashed through the struggling mass of men back for the stairway , Down he raced , two steps at a time , and out again into the night .
18 The course will then follow the line of the valley on the left-hand side of the road , turning at the hill to the left , round Lucy 's Copse and back again into the valley near the starting point .
19 Much more encouraging is the form of Faldo , second last week in the Players ' championship and now well into the frame once again .
20 As studies in many parts of the world show , the sexual satisfaction of both partners continues in a high proportion of cases long after the age of seventy and often well into the eighties .
21 And now the Trunchbull was leaning back against the weight of the whirling girl and pivoting expertly on her toes , spinning round and round , and soon Amanda Thripp was travelling so fast she became a blur , and suddenly , with a mighty grunt , the Trunchbull let go of the pigtails and Amanda went sailing like a rocket right over the wire fence of the playground and high up into the sky .
22 Like a fog moving in from the sea the silence swept toward the back of the room and then up into the balconies .
23 A switchback rush as the path dipped down from the field and then up into the wood , and she was again whizzing towards the gate leading to the next field .
24 Melissa glanced down at the powerful fingers with the powdering of sawdust round the nails and then up into the fierce black eyes , and her heart began to thump .
25 We pause while Odd-Knut peers at his map and then ahead into the greyness .
26 They planned to visit the Rockies and fly on to Vancouver and then down into the States .
27 Light came from prisms hung in the roof ; great cut slabs of crystal reflected light from the outside walls through long , empty light corridors and then down into the tumultuous kitchens .
28 Thus out of the middle only 27 will have any chance of getting into the top flight and then only into the second round of the Pilkington Cup .
29 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
30 ‘ That pulls the radon into the space and then out into the air . ’
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