Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The transcripts were handed over to the Serious Fraud Office , and duly and properly given to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
2 He dispassionately and properly referred to the feelings of locomotive drivers .
3 The binary policy , which is central to the history of higher education from its elaboration in the second half of the 1960s , and intimately related to the history of the CNAA 's own policies and operations , is explained by many or all of these factors , but can not be separated from perceptions of the roles and attitudes of the universities that we have previously discussed , and which were part of the decision-making environment of the mid- and late 1960s .
4 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
5 Most of the teachers lingered a few minutes in the staff room , not from any affection for the place , but to allow the unruly mob of boys to get down the long road that led to Cullbridge , and thence to disperse to the bus station , to Wimpy bars , the library or their various homes .
6 Firstly , it seems highly likely that even apparent disparities in the way offenders are treated will fuel resentment and thereby contribute to the feelings of injustice which lie at the heart of the penal system 's crisis of legitimacy .
7 Turkey , it says , has gone to war and thereby surrendered to the Americans .
8 This pump-leak system allows K + ions to recycle across the basolateral membrane , promotes hyperpolarisation of the parietal cell , and thereby contributes to the maintenance of the electrochemical gradient that favours Cl - exit at the apical membrane during acid secretion .
9 Le Monde of Oct. 5 , 1989 , reported that Parliament had approved a law allowing the establishment of local private television stations and thereby bringing to an end the state broadcasting monopoly .
10 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
11 You can leave your pension in the fund , as described above , and additionally contribute to a personal pension , providing your contributions do not exceed the allowed Inland Revenue limit , i.e. two-thirds of final salary ( or whatever is allowed according to the rules of the scheme ) .
12 An example is William McDougal 's correspondence with Friendly Societies which revealed their discrimination against deaf people , and eventually led to the acceptance of the deaf and dumb on equal terms with hearing people by the Church Benefit Society .
13 We drove for miles through dense jungle and eventually came to a big pool which was maybe 150 metres square and 30 metres deep .
14 They left the marketplace for a maze of streets and eventually came to a large stone two-storeyed house with a timbered roof , its exquisite carved eaves jutting out over a small courtyard beneath .
15 He followed the widest of the paths northwards and eventually came to a deserted airfield .
16 Between the two the unquantified aspect is easier , you just have to push and push and eventually get to a kind of measurement .
17 Losing tended to lead to a disintegration of the group , and the search for scapegoats both within and outside the group ; tasks needs became even more important to the loser ; losing , however , forced groups to re-evaluate their view of themselves and eventually come to a more realistic assessment of what changes were required to make the group effective .
18 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
19 They then migrate into the lymphoid tissue and eventually return to the blood circulation .
20 Issues which were to influence subsequent events and eventually lead to a national curriculum are specified : first , that the curriculum is overcrowded and the timetable overloaded ; secondly , that pupils who move from one school to another are penalized because of curricular variations between schools ; thirdly , that curricular arrangements within each school tend to give rise to unequal curricular opportunities for pupils ; fourthly , that the school curriculum is not sufficiently relevant for life in a modern industrial society ; and fifthly , that there are evident weaknesses in existing assessment procedures and methods of recording pupil progress .
21 If the money supply is not expanded sufficiently to meet this demand , interest rates will rise , this in turn will discourage some investment and so contribute to the slowing down in the growth of output and eventually lead to the upper turning-point .
22 On the 5th post-operative day Mr Reynolds became very distressed and eventually admitted to the nurse who was caring for him that his " water works " were the source of his concern .
23 That magnificent engineering achievement the Humber Bridge is further opening up the area , improving communications and eventually leading to an East Coast motorway , linking up with newly completed roads on the north bank .
24 Disenfranchisement takes place in a second , procedural , sense , by virtue of the almost total absence of opportunities for ordinary people to take part in , and effectively contribute to the decision-making process at whatever level , in the outcome of which they feel they have an interest .
25 The stonemasons almost all lived in the San Giovanni district and most belonged to the Opera del Duomo , as did the mirror makers and enamellers .
26 He stood there slightly bent for a few seconds holding his stomach and then he staggered and slowly fell to the floor .
27 The Ford slowed down in front of them and slowly came to a halt , blocking the entire road .
28 Put all ingredients into a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil .
29 However , most boards tended to extract material when it suited them and rarely adhered to the time-scale or suggestions for different kinds of activity .
30 The announcement of the bride 's sister 's engagement would be acceptable , but only if the bride herself knows in advance and gladly agrees to the public announcement being made at her wedding .
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