Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus .
2 Appointed in 1987 , Webster ensured that the CIA kept a relatively low profile and thereby achieved some success in rehabilitating the tarnished image of the agency in the aftermath of the Iran-contra scandal .
3 However , since the private person has chosen to deal in commercial goods , ( and presumably has some expertise in relation to the subject matter of the contract ) such exclusion is more likely to be reasonable than if consumer goods were the subject matter of the contract , and hence the transaction were a consumer transaction governed by s 6(2) .
4 So , how can you work with your dreams in such a way as to make useful links between your conscious and your unconscious mind , and so gain some benefit in your everyday life ?
5 Only in one respect is a consideration of their characteristics illuminating , in emphasizing the fact that the state is not the only means by which the cohesion of a society is assured , and so giving some support to those liberal pluralist theories which treat the state as one association among others , and not always the most important .
6 He suggests , instead , that local government reorganization took place precisely because local government is not ‘ a simple instrument of either the central state or dominant interests ’ and so has some room for political manoeuvre ( 1979 , p. 221 ) .
7 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
8 You can imagine the population of th , of a nearby town , every now and again they would come down and perhaps throw some food over in this man 's direction a loaf of bread , a , a a a a a a , a hunk of meat or , some other food every now and again so he would keep alive .
9 It may be possible to read a listing of a computer program and perhaps make some sense of it but , certainly to many of us who have to use computer programs , they take on a quasi-mystical nature as they are , after all , intangible .
10 Men and women of great authority had walked in it , and perhaps left some ghost of themselves to calm him in extremis .
11 As we do this , we can encourage consistently those in whom this gift is developing , and perhaps see some move from prophesying to having a mature ministry as a prophet .
12 He could relieve Gaby and Charley of baby-watching Steve , and perhaps do some clue-hunting in the flat .
13 At its extreme among the small towns , this blurring of the rural-urban boundary extends over the whole settlement , as at Dragonby , and perhaps suggests some sort of link with the level of agricultural pre-occupation or functional specialization .
14 But the principle remains essentially the same : a mixture of 3-D reality and 2-D illusion coexisting on the 2-D plane of the film 's emulsion and apparently representing some aspect of the 3-D actual world , or some more or less realistic fantasy world .
15 A babble of voices , predominantly American and German , provided a background hum , while a great number of tables , she observed with some surprise , were occupied by a contingent of Japanese businessmen wearing identical lapel-badges and obviously attending some conference .
16 Jean so enjoyed the challenge of her new job that she asked her husband , Peter , then a watch salesman , to help her move the heavy rolls of fabric , put up shelves and pictures and generally bring some order to the store .
17 It is a commentary upon the action on that occasion , dealing with the problem of how it should be interpreted , speculating on the motives , intentions and characters of those involved , and generally offering some kind of criticism and justification of whatever are taken to be the goings-on .
18 ‘ I do n't see how anybody can pick up a guitar nowadays and not give some credit to Jimi Hendrix because , at the time — people do n't remember this — but at the time he came out , people were ready to give up the guitar and go onto other instruments .
19 I do n't see how anybody can pick up a guitar nowadays and not give some credit to Jimi Hendrix
20 It would , for example , be an extraordinary institution which could encompass a thousand or so adolescents and not encounter some difficulty .
21 ‘ But you ca n't have spent a lifetime with someone and not feel some affection for them . ’
22 Returning to Falmouth Street in his new acquisition — and already encountering some resistance to engaging first gear — Harry listed in his mind the excellent reasons for buying a car .
23 This is why we have discussed the many different types first , and thus have some idea of all the possibilities available to us .
24 I should hate anyone to think that I am , ’ she said , looking around her at us all and smiling again , ‘ that I am in the business of catering exclusively for prostitutes , tarts working girls , slags bitches , cunts , whores , studs , pimps , rent boys , butches , nellies , queens , masseurs , escorts , one-night stands , ex-models , ex-policemen , ex-Armed Forces , ex-boxers , security guards , tennis instructors , so-called businessmen , tourists and those poor unfortunates who simply come here to pass the time and meanwhile do some shopping ; oh , no , let it never be said !
25 A new assistant wo n't always be a key worker ( see page 51 ) straight away and usually spends some time with two or three units or areas of the house to get to know different ways of doing things and the needs of different residents .
26 This was a large , round , pail-like utensil with an inner lining and straw packed tightly into the space between for insulation , and usually containing some sort of stew .
27 There may be , within this bonfire — and until it 's taken apart we will not be able to ascertain this — there may be petroleum cans in there , there may be small L P G cylinders , all of which will go off with a very large explosion and possibly cause some injury to life .
28 When auditioning for most schools you will be asked to present at least two contrasting speeches and possibly give some idea of your attitude to improvisation and , perhaps , to singing .
29 And possibly buy some stuff myself if that 's what necessary to get it over a discount price .
30 The monopolist in our example is in the fortunate position of being able to set any price between £3.81 and £9.20 and still make some profit .
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