Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb mod] [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 Any changes in vision should be monitored carefully and everyone should have an eye check every two years .
2 ‘ My lord , you have been forbearing with him , and I dare make an appeal to you to have pity on this headstrong youth , and trust his future good behaviour to us . ’
3 Come back next week and I 'll do an impression . ’
4 He quotes Cezanne : ‘ Give me an organised mind , and I 'll make an artist . ’
5 town I shall go around there , you can drop me and I 'll make an appointment there while we 're there .
6 And maybe , she thought , if I 'm lucky he 'll be away a long time and I 'll meet an interesting man .
7 That 's why I 'm here , I brought out this machinery and I 'll start an agricultural contractorship .
8 Rather , take me into your service , and I 'll keep an eye on your horse for you while you are off hunting .
9 ‘ You 've got a hope , ’ said Dolly , ‘ I 'll bore meself silly readin' this stuff , and I 'll get an 'eadache as well .
10 Yes , I think it 's totally clear that what we need is a short message , and it 's a white paper , and therefore it 's inviting a message , so what we really need is a short message to go with the A B C and the government act on the two S P's and I would give an undertaking at this point that it will go under the chief environmental health officers ' name .
11 I had no idea what my activities as an auditor might involve , and I might need an address .
12 I know of my hon. Friend 's interest in the matter , following the report of the Select Committee on Employment , and I can give an assurance that if the consultants ' report to which I referred has not yet reached the Department of Employment , it will do so as soon as possible .
13 And your Dad and I can keep an eye on you and make sure you 're not overdoing it , for the sake of the little one . ’
14 Laches could amount to bad faith and , in any case , the longer the time lag the greater the likelihood that the partners will , even inadvertently , do some act which affirms their partnership with the offending partner and which might raise an estoppel to prevent their proceeding with his expulsion .
15 Later this year the DTI will be issuing a consultative document on its proposals for implementing the Third Life Insurance Directive , which is due to come into operation by mid-1994 and which will enable an insurer to offer insurance anywhere in the Community on the basis of a single authorisation in the state where its head office is situated .
16 Mr Groenewald claims to have discovered an area — mainly in the Transvaal and the Orange Free State — where whites are a majority , and which could become an Afrikaner homeland .
17 There is a new version of WordPerfect for Windows ( 5.2 ) in Beta test at the moment that does work with ATM and you might consider an upgrade .
18 At that point your pension will be brought up to date and you would see an increase then and annually thereafter .
19 Fly Air Canada to Toronto and you 'll discover an airline that really is a breath of fresh air .
20 Turn back again and you 'll find an ending all too real , which is fitting .
21 Make a habit of the place and you 'll fall asleep but wander down there every now and again and you 'll find an edge most other Liverpool drinking streets lack .
22 Ask a bookdealer how his trade has changed over the last twenty years , and you 'll get an answer worthy of a merchant banker : volumes have multiplied ( hardly surprising : there have been as many books published since 1960 as in all the previous history of publishing ) , margins have been squeezed ; competition has grown fiercer , and specialisation finer ; women and Japanese have become crucial forces with which to reckon .
23 Drive the car and you 'll gain an impression of solidity .
24 An old Russian proverb runs , ‘ Dwell in the past and you 'll lose an eye .
25 Right , right , and you 'll use an opponent 's ball normally or any ball ?
26 BRIGHTON Mark Steel is a comic who should be returned to at irregular intervals : see him too often ( and he is all over London ) and you tire of his south London patter , but go back to his schoolroom lesson after a break from the circuit , or see him off his home patch and you 'll enjoy an exercise bookful of character face-pulling , energetic storytelling and witty , like-it-is observations .
27 But , erm , that this is gon na be happening and you ought to have an input .
28 Squeeze along on your hands and knees , then wriggle flat on your stomach , and you may reach an underground cavern .
29 ‘ Why , that 's no great problem while we remain at the abbot 's lodging , since half of Shrewsbury and a good part of the shire goes in and out freely at the abbey , and you may ask an audience whenever you will , and always find yourself one of three or four , various enough to keep any man in countenance .
30 Add the fact that the dominating sport , American football , venerates the combination of meticulous planning with the sudden application of brute force , and you may have an explanation for the macho tone of much of American policy-making .
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