Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 My priestly friend set me down outside the two cathedrals and I bade him a fond farewell .
2 And I got her a box of Black Magic so that 's her birthday present sorted out so she can eat and drink then ca n't she !
3 I went to the flat and I got myself a job working in Woolworth 's in Reading .
4 Oh here look , and I got you an envelope to put it in .
5 I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey , we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
6 When we got to my house , I gave Man Friday some trousers , and I made him a coat and a hat .
7 " He just came down here , and I made him a cup of tea and we said an act of contrition together . "
8 him something else for Christmas , something smaller and I made him a model out of matchsticks and I said this is the prototype
9 But on the day he came to the TWW studio to be interviewed , he brought her with him and I thought what a shy , pleasant girl she was .
10 And I thought what a smashing idea for a television programme !
11 She came to visit Streatlam to look at the horses and I thought what a very handsome woman she was .
12 He read it aloud , then handed the paper back to her , and I thought what a pity it was to have to worry about that wretched boy on the one really good day we had had since our arrival .
13 The article made a deep impression on me and I thought what a wonderful coastline it would be to explore .
14 did n't know it was two parts , till I and I thought what a funny way to end , I mean are they dead
15 And people walking on the pavement all it totally and I thought what a cheek .
16 And I thought what a fool , none of them work
17 yeah it was , oh it was terrible and I thought what a strain that must be on her heart , you know , carrying all that weight
18 Well I , I took the liberty of the Lord Lieutenant 's appointed me to something called the Sussex Rural Options Land Bank and I brought you a copy of the leaflet , having notice of your question and I did ask the officer who deals with this in the Sussex Rural Community Council if he could give me the latest score on housing I thought that the news was bad from what he had said , but having said that , I mean every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raise in this council which is now chaired by Peter .
19 I was rather late back , when I got back I heard a knock on my bedroom door and she said it 's Miss and er I said , oh come in , I undid the door and she came in and er and so she said to me er , I just had a telephone message from Peel er to say that you have been subpoenaed to go the Police Court next Thursday and I said what a day out of my holiday and she said , well I 'm sorry but you 'll have to go .
20 And I said what a lovely little puppy , what 's her name , and it said Freda .
21 It did n't leave much time for going out to play , and I resented it a great deal .
22 And I asked you a question , Mr Ward . ’
23 ‘ Charlie 's fire watching tonight , and I saw him a couple of days ago . ’
24 And they , the company wrote back and said it 's so much a policy and looks reasonable and I sent them a bloody cheque you see
25 Last Christmas she sent me a bluetit and I sent her a robin redbreast , a bloody great Robin Redbreast .
26 In fact , I only met one decorator … a young couple wanted to buy a piece and I offered them a discount as they had n't got a decorator - at which she drew herself up and said : ‘ We are not married .
27 And I offered them a fiver to pay o for the van but they did n't take it .
28 I keep to my word , and I offered you a contract .
29 She clearly felt that Joe and I caused her a lot of trouble , and she frequently complained about it .
30 I was put on the road with Lynyrd Skynyrd when they thought I was getting too big for my DMs , but they were real wild men and I liked them a lot and we got on very well . ’
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