Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The commercial software available for my computer was very limited and my attempts to design my own even more so !
2 Unfortunately his failing health meant he could n't visit much in recent years , and my folks spent their holidays elsewhere , so the house had become neglected .
3 ‘ In the main , the church and its leaders drew their importance from the support they gave to the existing powers and from their multiple involvements in education , social welfare and administration . ’
4 Or at least , that 's how the military and its bylaws term our walking along the coast and climbing on the cliffs between Stack Rocks and Linney Head , which form the westernmost part of the Castlemartin peninsula in South Pembroke .
5 The homes of this minority tribe are built over the water on stilts , its vegetable fields float on the lake 's surface and its fishermen propel their long narrow boats with a unique leg-rowing motion that has made them famous .
6 The software 's called ’ Bankchek ’ and its developers say their survey of over 100 small businesses reveals repeated slip-ups by bank staff .
7 This left its mark , with squabblings about the will and its terms taking their toll in many bitter arguments .
8 I saw the Manor at Welshpool where a Class 37 and its passengers awaited its arrival .
9 She needed to be the centre of attention and her clothes showed her love of display .
10 She entered the room after a gentle knock , and saw that Faye was lying on her back in the large , luxurious bed , her shoulders raised on pillows and her fingers massaging her abdomen tentatively .
11 And her values set my teeth on edge — she does n't care about anything . ’
12 During the weekend of the Windsor fire , she and her sons spent their last weekend there together — so Diana could pack up her belongings and move them all back to London .
13 Where Richardson wrote his novels , and his heroines their letters , in little closets removed from the public eye , Jane Austen and her heroines spend their time in parlours which are anything but private .
14 Elizabeth toiled for hours on end and her children remember her machine going non-stop .
15 With a sigh of utter defeat and utter pleasure , he accepted her mouth and her hands returning his gifts to him .
16 That means that their motives are clean and their actions represent their personal best .
17 Some members of Red , Yeb , Baz , Jasper , girlies and an assorted selection of strangers and their managers take their seats and we pull dreamily away from the pavement .
18 It allows us the conclusion that has just been contemplated : that the difference between causal items and their effects has its basis not only in the consideration that causal circumstances fix uniquely the occurrence of their effects , but also in the consideration that causal circumstances precede their effects .
19 They came and their tears salted his nail-holes
20 But the communicators have just as many , and their prejudices affected their accounts of the campaign .
21 Again , as all viewers of the BBC 's television comedy Yes , Minister are aware , the state bureaucracies and their members have their own organizational and personal interests to pursue which are often at variance with those of their supposed political masters , which in turn are not invariably identical with those of the electorate or of any coalition of interest groups .
22 There were technicalities to handle and , above all , the management of time was important while heads and their deputies led their colleagues through new patterns of requirement .
23 Small boys spat down on him from the safety of high windows and their mothers clenched their buttocks and turned away their glowing cheeks .
24 Ideologies of management are needed to buttress a system of inequalities in organizations and the major social injustice of the ‘ daily routine of men and women wasting their lives and their intellects to gain their livelihoods ’ ( Salaman 1980b , p. 1 ) .
25 It is an all-purpose complaint , one that can be invoked by a frustrated middle class to express its dashed expectations in the wake of Brazil 's decanonized ‘ Economic Miracle ’ , by the urban working class to express their condition of relative powerlessness , and by an impoverished class of displaced sugar-cane cutters and their families to express their hunger .
26 Our network of branch chairmen , branch secretaries and their committees deserve our heartfelt thanks for the hard work that they do .
27 Schmidt , Hunter and their associates applied their new techniques to data from many samples drawn from a large number of different occupations .
28 Apart from the fact that they are not organising the elections — this is being done by South Africa 's AG but only monitoring them , South Africa and their supporters started their campaign months ago .
29 But given the reluctance of businessmen , their legal advisers , and their legislatures to modify their national law in favour of harmonization measures it is perhaps worthwhile restating the advantages of harmonization .
30 And because they , too , are prisoners they detest the convicts , and their children ape their elders and shout ‘ Fascists ! ’ as the zeks walk in their guarded column between the Zone and the Factory .
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