Example sentences of "and [pron] [be] no more " in BNC.

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1 Plus ça change : in the 1990s these words ( apart from their dated gender references ) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century : the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man [ and woman ] in normal circumstances , neither better nor worse off than his [ or her ] neighbours , not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist , and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society .
2 She made you strong — and she was no more a bitch than you are .
3 I compared my yardages with a wheel once , and we were no more than two paces out for the whole course .
4 ‘ The beauty of the system is that the information is there instantaneously and there is no more scrapping around with bits of paper , ’ says Mr Hodgson .
5 The consequence of this progressive decline in popularity has been not only a sustained attack on what are perceived as the inadequacies of communist ideology and the Soviet system itself in the 1980s ( and there is no more iconoclastic an exponent of this form of criticism than Nizan 's own grandson , Emmanuel Todd ) , but more specifically , a tendency to overplay the critically dissident aspects of Nizan 's life and work , and to pass over in silence the more constructive , orthodox communist slant of his writings .
6 And there is no more constant a reminder to her than her experiences teaching in special needs schools and her present job as adult education tutor at Ashworth .
7 Then the forests closed about us and there was no more light . ’
8 Her hands enclosed Pertwee 's wrist as he held the lighter and they were no more steady than his .
9 Yes I wo , and it 's no more expensive Marg .
10 And it is no more yours or his than mine .
11 … the crisis today is that we have fictions which no one admits to be fictions , whereas before people had myths , people had religions , and so on , and a lot of it was believed in as a matter of faith , whereas now everything is presented as real , and it is no more real than the myths of before .
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