Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] into [det] " in BNC.

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1 and I go into that pad , say
2 Yes it would I 'm a big gambler and I go into any gambling .
3 I went over there and I stepped into this guy 's shoes who had really a difficult fourth year class .
4 So I said well sir I find maths really boring and I walk into this classroom and it 's all painted the same with this blackboard in front and I just find it boring , he goes yes guess who he was taught by at rugby ?
5 I left when there was a time of barrenness and I went into another country and now there 's a time of plenty and I 'm going back home what are they going to say to me ?
6 And then you go through this door and it 's all old like things and then you go and see erm and you go into this place and it 's like telling you all the erm history and things like that
7 And I think by the time she 'd finished it would be half price , she 'd walk out with the thing half price , and she 'd say , well you know , it 's just , they make up prices and you go to another shop and it would be the half price marked , and you go into another shop it would be , you know ,
8 Now , you were out driving with your brother and you drove into some kind of storm .
9 Because we knew the speeds you know , and er the working of the machinery , the tools and equipment that were necessary to do the jobs , the , the application of er instrumentation you know , er what kind of materials ought to be used , er and , and we went into all that you know , in , in regard to setting up new times .
10 Auck Auckland and we went there and we went into this restaurant well believe it or not , I 've never seen food like that , I mean Joy asked for a leg of lamb , I did n't say leg of lamb , I had the cod pieces
11 I then er , we then broke away and went up to the er , I suppose it 's the , I do n't know what part of the , but it 's the Dales , that 's where I moved to then and then to because my dad could n't , getting on in years , he could n't take the hills up and then from I got married and we moved into this address here and then that was the day after war was declared that I got married .
12 Reaching the hatch at the same time as the stranger outside , he collided with it , and they fell into each other 's arms .
13 I 'd read about , I read erm read in erm some paper or other not so very long ago , about erm a funeral and the that was going along the road of course , and they came to a to a erm hotel and they were och , they were going for miles and miles and miles and they went into this hotel and the they party the funeral party went into the hotel and had a good few drinks and they were well away when they came out and they they they went away without the coffin , for two miles , two miles before they discovered that they did n't have the coffin .
14 There is a vast number of these , and they fall into several distinct kinds .
15 There was a library but Rain and Patrick did not meet there because her recollection was wrong and they blundered into each other in a passage .
16 She took his hands and they looked into each other 's eyes .
17 Harriet 's sobbing and she herself is st ill cursing and her head 's spinning and spinning and they lurch into each other , and Harriet is n't Princess H any more , cool and cocky , she 's sad too , mysteriously , unglamorously , and she hugs her and feels how slight she is and it seems she 's luckier than Harriet , well , just now .
18 He had n't thought out his internal organs properly , and they leaked into each other .
19 The doors parted and they emerged into another carpeted corridor .
20 Oh aye , and the funny thing , he was away down in England one day , and he went into this shop , and here , there was this bundle of magazines , and he had a look and here it was the Gallovadians .
21 It was n't until Creed took his arm and he looked into those black eyes that he remembered where he was .
22 What 's that film this guy goes round and he 's re really pissed off and he goes into this er he goes into yeah ,
23 And he walks into this brothel and , there 's this prostitute and well business is not going well
24 So it 's all about sharing things out and it gets into this sort of fractions when we get when there 's not enough to go round and we have to start cutting things up cutting the pizza up .
25 Where Dave Cook and myself fit into this scheme is debatable .
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