Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] that a " in BNC.

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1 My attackers had scattered and I assumed that a teacher was approaching along the corridor .
2 Sometimes we 're concerned as to whether N C V O is competing with its membership about what we do , and I know that a point has been raised on that , er , by somebody who I think is present today .
3 I have n't toured for a few years now , apart from the World Cup and I made that an exception because I felt we could go all the way and win it . ’
4 As Pascal warned , ‘ No one can go that far , and I maintain that a perfectly genuine sceptic has never existed .
5 And I hear that a girl in Pankow is breaking 1.80 every time she jumps . ’
6 Professor Ferguson and I said that a routine clinical history and examination ( preferably in private ) were essential in helping to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment of all patients , particularly in people who might be under the mistaken impression that their symptoms were due to allergy .
7 Two days later I saw dark clouds in the sky , and I knew that a storm was coming .
8 In 1935 a page by David Garnett in the New Statesman first introduced me to her work , and I saw that A House and Its Head was a book likely to give me quite peculiar pleasure .
9 And I guess that a player like me is loved by one half of the fans and hated by the other half .
10 I have got past that stage many , many years ago , and I believe that a foreigner has equally as much right to live in the world as a Britisher .
11 It is essential that Russia join the IMF at the earliest opportunity , and I believe that a stabilisation fund may need to follow if Russia is to have a prospect of establishing a successful market economy .
12 ‘ But it 's not Kinnock ; it 's Mr Gorbachev ; the world has come on to our ground and I find that a source of strength , because at least we know that we 're talking about the capitalist system . ’
13 He pushed the opened paper violently across the table and I read that a brace of brawling jockeys had climaxed the prestigious award dinner with a bloody punch-up .
14 Number 47 , Nelson Square has been put up for sale , and I understand that a buyer is interested in the property , subject to a structural survey .
15 ‘ It 's a real emotional roller coaster , and I suspect that a couple of days ahead I will be totally drained . ’
16 My prototype reminds me too much of a kingsize white plastic bucket , and I suspect that a combination of this summer 's largely ozone layer-free sun and a winter frost or two might render it brittle .
17 Euro-American society is already suffering from a bad self-esteem problem , and I expect that an uncritical belief in the moral supremacy of nature will make it worse .
18 However , a few such are heavily elaborated culturally , and I propose that an examination of these is one means by which we might achieve an understanding of Chewong ‘ peacefulness ’ .
19 " If I remember rightly there 's a way into the Sir Francis Level and I think that a lot of the old machinery is still down there .
20 And I think that a lot of shoppers tend to forget that every time you buy anything from a shop , even if all you spent is ten pence , it does n't matter how little money you 've spent , but every time you buy anything from a shop you have a contract with the shop and the shop has a contract with you .
21 Now one of the problems is in the Army , that if you do need support , it 's a sign of weakness , it 's a sign of failure , it 's almost impossible for you to get the kind of counselling and help that a lot of young lads need , and I think that a lot of young people in the Army today who maybe have got a lot of worries in their soul , and they do n't have the courage at the moment or the possibility of getting that help because of the Army culture .
22 And I think that a comprehensive consultation exercise has got to bear in mind that the key question , and that 's affordability .
23 She 's only been with me a week , and I think that a handicapped child 's need is greater than mine . ’
24 We will of course be in the middle of a natural seasonal shortage but I am advising finishers that they can not afford to ignore current prices and I think that a reasonable flow of cattle will still come forward , ’ he said .
25 And there 's one here with a a group of people and I found that a stone wall makes an ideal thing to trick photography with .
26 One or two pigments did stain the fibres somewhat , but they still held their translucence , and I suppose that a wash in warm soapy water would bring back the whiteness .
27 If things are really bad , you are getting nowhere and you feel that an argument is developing , the best action is to state politely that you are not willing to be interviewed in such a manner , that you are clearly wasting one another 's time and you have decided to leave .
28 You go to an avant-garde exhibition in Germany or in Italy , in France , in New York of course , and you find that a lot of people want to be informed about it and even , if they are not normally art people , they accept it in the sense of not mocking it .
29 Alice , with a thousand terrible things to say about her father , kept them back , because she loved Jim , loved his helplessness , his vulnerability , and her own part in alleviating these wounds ; because she knew this man , or boy he was twenty-two — was really sweet , had a sweet gentle warmth in him ; and she knew that a spell of happiness , of success , would transform him .
30 Doreen Copas announces two new classes in Hertfordshire , taught by Jean Porter ( QT ) and Frances Judd ( T-in-T ) and she says that a coachload of HErts enthusiasts went to the Albert Hall to Celebrate Age ; Pat Keen , Joan Legge and another cornwall member also enjoyed watching the 55+ Medau Team perform .
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