Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 Then , in 1964 he won the Masters again and everyone expected him at St Andrews for the Open Championship .
2 I went everywhere and no-one knew me at all .
3 ‘ I bought my first one in 1974 and I had it at least ten years .
4 Ludo and I hear it at the same moment .
5 The chamber had priestly vestments draped on dummies like olden days tailors might have used , and I identified it at once by the basin and marble slab in the corner .
6 We were driving north and I saw it at once .
7 I had what I refer to as the Flower Gentleman come to call on me — I 'm terrible at remembering names — and I liked him at once .
8 So that 's se and I want you at the other end .
9 I began to think that I had found a friend , and I answered him at once .
10 I consider that she would have found a job by early Autumn and therefore the sum must be more than a , nearly a year 's earnings and I assess it at eight thousand pounds .
11 ‘ My father and eldest brother established an estate agency and I joined them at the age of 17 .
12 Erm If I 've got sixty miles to do , and I do it at erm do it at sixty miles an hour , it takes me one hour .
13 I have grown one and I twist it at the ends ( the moustache too ) . ’
14 When Callahan and I visited him at his large house on Sunset Beach , it was like walking around a graveyard : every board was a headstone with memories buried beneath it .
15 One this girl traced my hand and I traced hers at the same time — I went very slowly , which triggered her ticklishness , and she laughed every time my pencil made it to the place between two of her fingers , but she was brave , she stayed put .
16 And you hounded him at work , wanting his attention all the time like a spoilt child .
17 PLAYER : Why , we grow rusty and you catch us at the very point of decadence — by this time tomorrow we might have forgotten everything we ever knew .
18 I look back now and think we are actually still doing that , not in the military aspect , in civvy street , we 've got people , real nice people , you talk to them on the street and you get them at the kill and the hackles go up , you can see the adrenalin pumping round their body , you can see the kind of excitement in their eyes and you can see the terrier men grabbing by the the scruff of the neck , bleeding and then throwing .
19 A Primus is a little camping-stove that you fill with paraffin and you light it at the top and then you pump it to get pressure for the flame .
20 You see they did n't do things then that they would have done today , you see , seven years and you see I at that time , well I used to used to have a day off and instead of having a half day a week we used to have full day a fortnight and so of course on my day off I came home to see what I can do to help , you see and er my mother died .
21 And she wagged it at him , saying , ‘ You are an infant .
22 This song was dedicated by Weill to Lotte Lenya for ‘ Weinachten 1939 ’ and she sang it at home for Brecht , but never in public , its dynamic range being really beyond her .
23 ‘ She came to pick up some papers she sent to Dr Puddephat , and she needs them at once .
24 But they are the real facts about the existence of human groups , and we ignore them at our peril .
25 The Shuttle/Redgrove thesis states that periods have meaning , and we ignore it at our peril .
26 Details of the SCAN system are given in reference 2 ; and we recommend you at least to read this document .
27 He said , yeah , there has , which came as a great relief to me and we left it at that .
28 well he bought the land and we saw him at different times build his bungalow it 's a lovely bungalow now int it ?
29 ‘ The dining suite is Regency and we bought it at an auction in Bournemouth , ’ says Pauline .
30 My er , circumstances are entirely different , I am the person who 's being cared for and my husband died in nineteen eighty seven , and my son in nineteen eighty eight and I was left with my young son , and he looked after me on his own , and then my daughter who li , I was living in Ireland , my daughter lived in England , and she decided it was n't good enough that it should all be left to him , so we had a long talk and we discussed it at length for two weeks at Christmas , and then they all moved Sou , over here , we got a house in Scotland , and I 'm looked after by my young son and my daughter , and since then a year ago my daughter got married , her husband moved in and he looks after me as well , so I 'm looked after by three young adults .
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