Example sentences of "and [pron] know [adv] well " in BNC.

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1 And I know full well now what it 's like to be standing on a picket line for seven months .
2 Well actually people in my area do have a concern about this , also though I was brought up in my teens at least within a rural area and I know full well that to hold certain views even those of the majority within rural areas , are not necessarily easily expressed and I have today been told of yet another example of this being the case .
3 And I know perfectly well Croxford is a crummy school , but it suits me and I suit it , which does n't say a lot for either of us . ’
4 And I know perfectly well that there 's no way that er I could get my wife to move out of the town , she loves it .
5 Because what I really want , after all , is to give them a true belief , and I know very well that , although I want my own beliefs to be true ( because that 's what makes them useful ) , we can all make mistakes .
6 And I know very well how much you love them all — especially the old rogue Abuelo Freitas .
7 I mean ah I know I know but then he 's pretty tied up and I know very well but even trying to get lunch with is difficult but there may be there may be I mean I know quite well but would want .
8 ‘ And Jean-Paul can be as stubborn as a mule , and you knew perfectly well that if you 'd told him what you felt , he would have dug in his heels and insisted . ’
9 Terry er sorry Roger if , if I were interviewing for posts , I would appoint , and you know full well I would , the people that I thought were best for that job .
10 She 's a darling , she deserves nice things , and you know full well she did it all for — ’ He paused .
11 If you are asking me where the remedy lies , my answer is that I have told you before and I shall go on telling you , and you know perfectly well what it is , though everybody thinks that it is too difficult and that therefore there must be a different remedy .
12 And you know perfectly well Newman is fully vetted , has often worked with us . ’
13 You have a lot to lose , thought Jay , rolling a cigarette , and you know damn well you might have to , or at least turn it all upside down if you let yourself fall in love with me .
14 And you know damn well there 's nothing between us .
15 And you know damn well I care for you .
16 You have to be punished in some way , and you know as well as I do that your case lacks substance .
17 And you know as well as I do Jim was n't the father .
18 And you know very well that as soon as you start to launch yourself into the world of contracting by , by its very nature a contract a a automatically has loopholes in it , and the more you write in a contract the more loopholes you 've got .
19 And you know very well that once you are gone Miss Araminta will throw me out of the house . ’
20 Cambridgeshire roads , and you know very well that they they do n't compare to Lincolnshire roads , County boundary .
21 This was the last thing she had envisaged and she knew full well that if the rumours had reached her ears there was a very good chance he too would have heard them .
22 She really wanted a cup of tea and she knew perfectly well that Glyn would serve her up something that looked like brown shoe polish .
23 She wanted to leave Alain 's mother with the very best impression and she knew perfectly well that if she sat with Alain there would be only brooding silence .
24 She had been tense since she had arrived and she knew perfectly well where all the tension was coming from — el conde !
25 Their eyes had met — and she knew quite well what the other girl had read there .
26 Let's consider first of all the quantitative ground , erm and let's talk about one of the major transitions , one of the major origins about which we have some information , and that is the origin of the mammals from the reptiles. erm we have quite a lot of fossils erm erm from the permian up to the triassic erm of mammals and their reptilian ancestors , and we know pretty well what went on .
27 ‘ But no All Black team other than 1967 and 1924 has gone through unbeaten and we know very well we will have tough games against Wales and Ireland . ’
28 But those , those Environmental Health Officers who go into committee , and we know very well that you have to put your argument in a particular way or put your point a particular way , in which you want to convince people .
29 In everyday life we talk about things being good and bad , and we know perfectly well what we mean .
30 And they knew full well that they did n't really need the three thousand apprentices but those large firms trained no no note my word , for the country 's needs , not the company 's needs !
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