Example sentences of "and [pron] be [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 One item on lease is a new in-house laundry which was acquired when high bedroom occupancy was anticipate and its was though that the hire cost of linen would be more expensive .
2 We are multiplication work and there is n't should be tackled and we were very that we can not do this without and therefore we accept the grant grant fifty thousand in these four counties planning service which I would say servicing .
3 Teachers in today 's schools and colleges have to concern themselves with a bewildering multiplicity of factors ; some of them were hinted at in preceding chapters and there are more that were ignored because they were not directly relevant to our theme .
4 In Rangoon contemporary and colonial Burma continue to co-exist decades after the British departure and it 's here that you will spend your first two nights at either the Inya Lake or Strand Hotel .
5 Get some movement out there we had a young , a young lady who er she name and she 's up front in the cabinet you know every opportunity she had she was looking for round the room , but not sort of in the round the outside all the time and it 's just that she wanted to be with a group of people all the time .
6 I mean I mentioned earlier the fact that it might be that people perceive sexual harassment , where in fact the behaviour has been perfectly appropriate and it 's just that the person perceiving it is unused to it , but I think that 's the minority of cases , incidentally .
7 You do n't need a Regional Authority all the way across the country all at once and you can actually bring a Regional Authority in , and it 's certainly that Scotland should have its own Parliament .
8 And so we have and it 's now that the war 's over , we 'll now see the press pressing and probing and trying to erm undermine John Major in the way they 've erm
9 And it 's then that you 're gon na work out how much you need
10 Judge Donald Herrod added : ‘ This is a very dramatic turn of events and it is right that this prosecution should not continue . ’
11 It is right that students be initiated into the conceptual apparatus , skills and ways of going on within the teacher 's own discipline ; and it is right that students therefore acquire the discipline required for the necessary understanding and competencies .
12 The PAC wants hard and fast information , and it is right that it should .
13 The Engineering Employers Federation says that its members ’ strongly support the Government 's objective of providing a balanced and effective framework of trade union and industrial relations law ’ and that ’ the step by step approach has been seen by all to have worked successfully and it is right that it should continue . ’
14 He insisted that no decisions about future spending had been taken , but he believed that it was right ‘ that there should be a widespread review and it is right that there should be a big debate . ’
15 Press hostility to this idea was scarcely free of self-interest , but there were bigger issues at stake and it is right that they prevailed .
16 In fact , language , through abstraction , is a much more efficient form or communication and possesses much more control over its interpretation , and it is rather that this difference in evocation is less likely to be evident in artefactual symbolism than in linguistic symbolism .
17 Just as important as establishing what to include is deciding what to exclude , and it is here that the purists may find cause to tar and feather us .
18 ‘ It is a bedrock of traditional liberalism to build on and it is here that we are likely to see the most substantial progress of all .
19 It also includes accepting responsibility for one 's own family , and it is here that the burden of active citizenship is liable to fall disproportionately on women .
20 At this point , someone might rightly argue : ‘ I happen to live on earth , and it is here that I want to have a happy marriage ! ’
21 The world of the imagination is limitless and it is here that the mind must be freed , but it must also be given the spur of inspiration .
22 Another commonly-accepted indication of intelligence is the way animals deal with the unpredictable contingencies of their world through learning ; and it is here that our intuition tells us that we must be dealing with something very like intellect .
23 The bottom line is the way it sounds , and it is here that the Ariston CD3 accumulates most of its brownie points .
24 The justice of his interpretation of the fascist state has been , and is , fiercely disputed , and I will not discuss it.i For its contours are set by Poulantzas ' more general conception of the state , and it is here that he is most explicit in trying to put Althusser 's theory to work .
25 The wastelands are inhabited by all kinds of monstrous creatures and it is here that the armies of Chaos gather their strength .
26 The Imperial Gunnery School at Nuln is the biggest cannon foundry in the world , and it is here that the Emperor 's gunners receive their training .
27 Adjusting the output of existing products and rapidly expanding the share of new ones , requires flexibility in the labour market and it is here that the Japanese have even bigger advantages .
28 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
29 The ‘ Second ’ Prokofiev Sonata comes first on the disc — in its original guide as a flute sonata it dies predate the First Sonata — and it is here that Hardy and Devos really distinguish themselves .
30 Bordered by desert , the Mediterranean and the Red Sea , this densely populated country is concentrated along the Nile , away from the blistering heat of the hinterland , and it is here that the great monuments to the country 's past civilisation lie .
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