Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [n mass] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The barges used to come down the Leeds and Liverpool canal right down to Tate and Lyle 's , where they had chutes that came down from the building into the barges and the coal was sucked up because the coal was very fine ; and the poor people there — they 'd be on the other side of the canal and one would perhaps get on a barge and throw two or three pieces of coal and then scamper up .
2 He has the best supervisor in his team and the best people throughout .
3 The values in table I are medians , and the quoted statistics clearly show the lack of significant difference .
4 The lift arrived as she said the name , and the two people inside looked at her curiously through the metal lattice .
5 However , a much publicised speech delivered by Schach on March 26 was almost devoid of any political content , and the Israeli media consequently concluded that Peres 's efforts to woo the rabbi had failed .
6 Between 7700 and 8000 years ago , within three short centuries , the Columbian Mammoth , the Dire Wolf , the Camel , the Horse , the Giant Armadillo and the Western Bison all became extinct in North America .
7 if you end up going to the office and it 's the same layout as it it it was and the same people there ,
8 Most clothes were of woven wool or linen , and the richest people even had silk garments .
9 Such a frank appraisal would elicit sympathy from the markets and the British people alike .
10 However , the leaf people and the original people alone are described automatically as shy and fearful .
11 When this old men 's ideology starts to be transmitted into literature , and from literature into popular writings , and then into the press especially the gutter press and the mass media then it begins slowly to form the people .
12 General elections have become more presidential and the mass media virtually ignore the secondary party leaders .
13 Port authorities were then most helpful and the local folk very sociable .
14 Usher was not far from the edge of the Kalahari desert and the local people often went hungry .
15 The District was one of the ten mentioned and the national statistics almost exactly reflected its own position .
16 So let's say if we had ten pounds on the table and a hundred people underneath .
17 Protagonists of seventeenth-century fen drainage pointed out that a fat ox was better than a well-grown eel , and a tame sheep more use than a wild duck .
18 Surveys of these societies sometimes reveal remarkably high intake figures — 130g a day among the Kikuyu of Kenya and a staggering 150g daily among the Buganda of Uganda , for instance .
19 The contribution erm made by each of these products after we 've used an average sales price erm is seven and a half pence roughly for the smallest size , erm about eighteen pence average for the one litre size and eleven twelve percent twelve pence sorry for the large size .
20 buying one extra drink and erm getting a you know cheaper than saving theirselves two and a half quid then .
21 Er I think er it 's easy to talk about taking off two and a half percent here and there , I could probably put forward a number of reasons why it could add on two and a half percent , five percent to the figures and indeed I 'd be very disappointed if at the end of the day , we did n't achieve er greater reductions because once you get out long distance through traffic , er whose prime purpose is to move from A to B as quickly as possible , once you do that it gives you the opportunity then of bringing in the sorts of measures to improve pedestrian safety , er to slow traffic down , introduce traffic calming , which you ca n't do on primary routes .
22 On the entertainments side er , last year of course we had that one-off benefit with not having to absorb the first quarter 's loss and this year the er first quarter was pretty disastrous because we had an er er an er amalgamation of , of A the Gulf War B the recession and in London I R A bombing and that really stopped tourists coming to London from overseas and from the rest of the U K. But I 'm pleased to say that er we , we 're coming back very strongly and for instance in July at virtually all of our centres attendances were either up to last year very nearl very nearly up to last year or ahead of last year and er at Chessington our revenue was thirteen and a half percent up on last year which I think justifies our investment there .
23 In the New Forest the most important is common of pasture , which enables about 350 commoners to depasture some 3,000 ponies , 2,000 cattle and a few sheep on about 4,500 acres of open forest throughout the year .
24 At one extreme , 6% of primary schools receive less than 1 per child , and a further 21% less than 5 ; at the other extreme , 3% of schools receive over 50 per child and 0.2% over 100 .
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