Example sentences of "of being [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Have n't you noticed yet that Thorfinn is prouder of being Earl of Orkney than he is of ruling Scotia ?
2 NORTHERN Ireland 's Ombudsman , Jill McIvor , was today quizzed on her task of being watchdog over people 's complaints about public services .
3 the benefit to B is capable of being consideration for B's promise , so that the promise will be legally binding .
4 In fact , some of the canvases of this type have almost the appearance of being paintings of sculptures and masks .
5 What is the point of moving a person who is famous through the world as Chichester to the anonymity of being Archbishop of York ?
6 According to reports mosques in and around Asyut and Dairut in Upper Egypt were suspected of being centres of sedition .
7 Their chances of being chairmen of Ford or General Motors are pretty slim too ; non-existent ( on past experience ) if they are a British manager at an American ‘ transplant ’ in Britain .
8 For the felines themselves it is almost like a modern rebirth of the senseless persecution of the Medieval period , when they were accused of being servants of Satan .
9 We also talked about experiences of being victims of offences and found Blacks had significantly less , and had reported fewer of these to the police .
10 The schoolmaster of St. Andrews was ambitious ‘ and aspires eagerly to the dignity of being professor of humanity in this university ’ .
11 He once had the impossible job of being PA to Ted Heath in sulphurous exile .
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