Example sentences of "of my [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I thereupon telephoned Haines to tell him of my success and to urge upon him the necessity for extreme discretion , since what I had done was something of an embarrassment and I did not particularly wish to have my role publicised .
2 I shook the rain out of my hair and wiped my feet on the doormat , then stepped into the porch and tried the inner door .
3 I remember a man coming up to me at Sandhurst and looking at the back of my hair and saying , ‘ What regiment are you going into ? ’ and I said ‘ The Grenadiers , ’ and he said ‘ You appear to be growing your own bear skin . ’
4 I prepared to collect the rest of my medicines and make for the hospital , when the policeman said to me , ‘ Excuse me , sir .
5 ‘ I pleaded guilty because I realised I was in breach of my contract and expected to be punished .
6 Instead he took the wineskin from the horn of my saddle and forced me to drink .
7 I handed him my watch , stared at his grin for a moment , then slipped out of my shorts and ran out on to the jetty to plunge into the sudden cold shock of the lake .
8 It 's the inappropriate nature of my clothing that has consistently let me down through the years .
9 He 's made us really meet real people , you know what I mean , people with handicapped children , and to me I find them more real than some of my friends that live in another world , fantasising about the future , you know , ‘ What 's the kids going to be when they grow up ? ’
10 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
11 I slipped out of my hiding-place and went to St John 's Wood .
12 I turn a rusty handle in the part of my brain that handles mental arithmetic .
13 I fumbled out of my dress and crawled into bed in my underclothes .
14 ‘ You and your little nerves , ’ he said and he put his fingers in the back of the collar of my dress and pulled it slightly as though I was a recalcitrant dog .
15 Slowly , I took my fists out of my pockets and opened them empty .
16 She came up in front of my parents and said : ‘ Would you like to take this home , put a sample in it and we 'll do a sperm count for you ? ’
17 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
18 I drain the last of my whisky and look into the empty glass .
19 Yet even the most productive thoughts and even the bravest of responses to the new dimensions of my predicament could not wholly keep the chill out of my bones or push away the icier gloom from above my head .
20 A representative nineteenth century collection , with Thackeray in original wrappers at either end , Charles Reade , George MacDonald and John Stuart Mill in original cloth ; and Tales of my Landlord and Walks in Oxford in boards with paper labels .
21 I do what I do to the best of my ability and hope that people will hear about it and come and visit .
22 But was I still wearing some of my clothes or carrying them all bundled in my arms ?
23 After a while he let go of my head and started to cross himself furiously .
24 I felt the corporeal elephant on whose back my world was supported amble effortlessly along , rather that it being necessary for me to lean out from the howdah of my head and goad him .
25 I forgot that someone was living illegally in Paris on the floor of my home and demanding a large sum of money to leave .
26 I was never assaulted , never kicked out of my home or sacked , even though I seemed to be inviting it .
27 But Ngugi managed to lift me out of my armchair and place me inside his imaginary village of Ilmorog .
28 While I have not been a wildly flag-waving Canadian I am proud of my birthplace and continue to admire Canada and Canadians immensely , which sentiments must not be taken as damning with faint praise .
29 While Grainger was talking I had torn a page out of my diary and written on it ‘ Why was Jefferson in California a lot ?
30 But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me — pulling pulling pulling .
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