Example sentences of "of them [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 The three of them looked at the dark-dressed figure of their brother , his head back , as he stared at the huge oil painting of highland cattle hanging on the broad stone wall of the fireplace , and he answered , ‘ I do n't know , Reggie .
2 Both of them looked at the stain on the carpet in silence .
3 But with the change of rules meaning Warwickshire have to let one of them go at the end of the season , which one will it be ?
4 And the contact turned into an embrace without either of them looking at the other or talking , they just put their arms around each other .
5 She eventually found one who was also an art collector and paid him for operating on her with her own works of art , most of them created at the Fine Arts School of Dijon where she teaches .
6 ‘ The piste is like this , ’ said one of them kicking at the sand .
7 Erm , she started really by , well th well there is two of them involved at the time , but they started by reading a book on the subject and really just talking to me about it certainly , because I mean they really did n't understand , you know because food to them is just food , you know it was just some meal they had to eat because they were hungry and they could n't understand why I had got this whole thing completely distorted .
8 The truth is that as painters and as a man and a woman , they were engaged , during these years , in the same adventure which turned out to be more fatal than either of them realised at the time .
9 The first dazed rabbits came out ; two of them bleeding at the nose , looking otherwise unharmed but staggering , almost -falling .
10 At least that is one message 1500 of them gape at the first ever BAYSDAY , held earlier this month at various institutions in London 's museum heartland .
11 Instead she pointed out what she thought was happening in the session and the need for all of them to look at the problems in a constructive way .
12 Battle-weary after the 4 hour 42 minute match , which had finished , it was little wonder that the two of them embraced at the net as 15,000 rose as one to acclaim such magnificent entertainment .
13 His companions were both in their forties , one of them greying at the temples , a squat , powerfully built man ; the other was a tall gangling individual with deep set eyes which remained fixed on Hitch the whole time .
14 Her father and mother were sitting tensely on the sofa , Omi at the table , upright , disdain on her fine features , Bodo , huge against the wall , and all of them staring at the stubby , shabby , ash-stained figure of Marx , blinking through his red eyes at the document and reading aloud in an artificially solemn voice , practised in legal jargon and with which he , no doubt , had read out a hundred , a thousand , such documents .
15 The two of them arrived at the broken gate of a house even more rackety than its peeling neighbours .
16 Even the Committee felt low , not one of them arrived at the next schedule meeting !
17 Both of them smiled at the device .
18 An antediluvian handful of hon. Members , many of them retiring at the next election , are not keen on these matters , but they are a diminishing and insignificant number .
19 In fairness none of them appeared at the Berlin show that began only two days after Paris , a show signalling a new frontier for the German manufacturers , who may just , in 10 years ' time , give the French as much to think about as the Japanese do .
20 ‘ Virtually all of them jumped at the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the scheme . ’
21 All four cameras scheduled for use in this episode are positioned on their ‘ A ’ positions , three of them aimed at the set on which the first scene will be acted out .
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