Example sentences of "of these [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many of these species also occur in gardens and may , like the mints , survive from former gardens or be introduced with dumped garden refuse .
2 It is beyond chance that all of these species also happen to be animals ; plants , perhaps inhabiting the same regions as these animals , have disappeared without even the briefest of epitaphs .
3 If you are interested in any of these insurances please ask for details .
4 If you wish to take advantage of one of these options please contact this office .
5 Many of these squads also carried sledge-hammers , axes , and incendiaries .
6 But most of these approaches still see signifiers as expressing meanings directly , a few or even one at a time ; and therefore as being susceptible , despite their complications , to rational , more or less complete analyses .
7 Up to 12% of these tumours still confined to the bowel wall have already spread to regional lymph nodes .
8 If you are interested in finding out more about the courses at either of these establishments please write to Christopher c/o The Artist magazine , and we will forward your letters on to him
9 For further details of any of these groups please contact on .
10 Can I suggest then , can , can we have er , preview of what each of these groups actually want , so we can see
11 Occupational structures of these firms also conform to the social topography of the areas in which they were located .
12 So I think we ought to see a little bit more of these doctors and a little more of these pharmacists also backing the National Health Service up er which they should .
13 None of these texts actually deals with the question what action becomes available as a result .
14 The proposed exploratory research intends to follow up these ideas and to establish tentative assessments of these hypotheses so extending our understanding of effective schools and their long term influence .
15 After the war , American occupation authorities disbanded the zaibatsu , but many of these companies later regrouped themselves after the Americans left and restrictions on cross-holdings and other ties were relaxed .
16 Some of these companies also specialise in making tapes for syndication to local radio and with a strong topical theme this kind of approach can achieve a good deal of coverage without taking up too much of an executive 's time .
17 Nevertheless , the existence of these changes strongly suggests that Falkowski and Wilson 's inference that open ocean phytoplankton productivity has remained roughly constant since the industrial revolution is premature , and may even by false .
18 Erm , our belief is that we can manage erm , in line with our , our practice , and give up that forty thousand pounds , but it is , it 's reducing your flexibility as , as a number of these changes effectively do .
19 None of these changes fully gets to grips with the central weakness of the PES system as far as social policy is concerned — the failure to integrate tax expenditures into the system in an explicit way .
20 Altogether none of these changes really recognise that the majority of families depend on the earnings of both husband and wife , even if the wife 's contribution in most instances is smaller .
21 Furthermore , as many of these zones already contained substantial built-up areas prior to designation , green belts frequently contain a mixture of land uses and rarely form zones of attractive or continuous open landscape ( Thomas 1970 , 1974 ) .
22 Some of these zones also vary markedly with time — through the day ; with the tides , and therefore with the phases of the moon ; by season ; and sometimes in cycles of several years ( see El Niño , overleaf ) .
23 Many of these families carefully weighed the balance of pro-PLO and pro-Jordanian sympathy locally , and chose from their ranks a suitable candidate to reflect opinion in the voting population .
24 The ubiquity of these notions also reflects that the labour process itself influences policemen and women in how they view their work , and the sociology of policing has shown how routine policing consists of similar tasks wherever it occurs .
25 In a content analysis of the career literature of 26 health and caring professions and occupations ( French , 1986a ) it was found that disabled people were never specifically invited to apply , yet 10 of these occupations explicitly sought candidates with the ability to empathise and understand ill and disabled people .
26 Two of these strategies directly relate to the topics to be considered next in this chapter , namely ( 2 ) the provision of facilities ( rural service provision ) and ( 1 ) socioeconomic conditions ( rural deprivation ) and so attention is now turned to rural service provision and rural deprivation .
27 Many of these activities also have relatively low energy requirements , and DRA commodities such as red meat and solitude are in increasing demand .
28 An increasing number of these teachers already have experience of peripatetic , school-based work on behaviour problems ( Lane 1978 , Coulby and Harper 1985 ) .
29 Highly theory-dependent explanations of these patterns then appear to be not much more than inspired common sense .
30 You see , none of these laws actually mention homosexuality at all ; they 're all interpreted by the police and the courts to criminalise our affection .
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