Example sentences of "of which [be] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 My intention was to juxtapose two of her works , both of which are illustrative of different periods .
2 Among the extant Hotteterre instruments there are only three transverse flutes , all of which are representative of the earliest three-piece model , and are stamped ‘ Hotteterre ’ with an anchor below .
3 It is well known for its beautiful gardens , some of which are hundreds of years old .
4 At a time when the world 's largest nuclear power is in the process of disintegration into separate republics , if not worse , and when 27,000 nuclear weapons exist there , the vast majority of which are capable of inflicting considerable damage on this and other countries , it would be lunacy for us to undermine our nuclear deterrent .
5 The surrounding hills , compass and map country , have dozens of marvellous trout lochs , most of which are full of sparkling little fish ; and a few which hold much heavier specimens .
6 Moreover , through their well directed efforts , that vast resource of past literature and scriptures , every item of which is capable of innumerable interpretations , could be saved from that ultimate oblivion and loss to humanity which could result from its sheer overwhelming quantity and complexity .
7 But whatever definition one accepts , let us agree that there are such categories , and for the purpose of this work I shall define productive labour as being : labour which is exchanged with capital and produces a surplus-value , a surplus-value moreover which is embodied in material commodities , the form of which is capable of being used as capital for the reproduction and extension of capital .
8 Consider a single firm which initially has a stock of ten machines each of which is capable of producing 100 units of output per year .
9 The whole circular design is set within a square formed by the inner border of an arrangement of repeating geometric panels ( panels which , themselves , are significant not only for their suggestion of links with the continent ( section 4.4 ) and with other simple , geometric designs , but also for their inclusion of eight circular medallions , each of which is reminiscent of the three , minor concentric circular designs listed above ) .
10 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
11 All this is disclosed in a special ‘ dance ’ , the discovery and translation of which is one of the great achievements of modern ethology .
12 Personality A may be aware of personality B , but not vice versa , Personality C may be aware of A and B , neither of which is aware of C.
13 The group began its " Summer of Mercy " campaign on July 15 by mobilizing mass blockades of Wichita 's abortion clinics , one of which was one of the few in the USA to perform late-term abortions .
14 This body of thought , sometimes called Neo-Hegelism , which had been introduced into Britain by Benjamin Jowett , Green 's tutor at Balliol , rejected the dominant philosophical view , derived from the Enlightenment , which was ‘ empiricist , individualistic , utilitarian ’ , and chose instead to see reality as ‘ an organic interconnected whole , no part of which was independent of the rest ’ .
15 He allowed nuns to carry out baptisms , give communions , all of which was unheard of before " ( Sister Lucero ) .
16 Here , apart from reliance on the rigours of a large-scale examination system , new areas of modern knowledge were set up as autonomous academic disciplines with a related German style system of professoriate , administrative hierarchy , and departmental structure , and a commitment to research — none of which was characteristic of the operations of the traditional classical curriculum .
17 By 8.30 am , Monday , 15 September 1937 , I was making my way slowly up Granville Street lugging two heavy suitcases , one of which was full of favourite books .
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