Example sentences of "of that [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They 're modern , yet they have a distinct hint of that classic flavour you 're after . ’
2 And with one more nod of that perfect head he was off , working his trolley through the morning crowd with the air of a great surgeon .
3 It does not efface the picture I have of that young cripple I carried ten miles before me on my horse , she mad with pain , blistered from her shoulders to her temple ; and the cloying smell of her burns is there now in my nostrils .
4 Racing about doing overtime all because of that rotten food he 's eating .
5 This would entail a sixty-mile round trip for us , but who cared if he could be freed of that perpetual pain he had suffered for so long ?
6 Until she let go , finally , of the memory of that sensual paradise they had shared in Phuket and bowed , defeated , before the brutal ambition of Hong Kong .
7 The old man had never suggested before that they have a drink together ; maybe it was all part of that new world he had entered when he stood in front of Mr Albert 's mirror in his new suit .
8 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
9 Here the NI draws evidence from around the globe to show how far short of that lofty goal we are likely to fall .
10 Every time you took a breath of that foul air you could not help imagining the cholera poison gnawing at your lungs .
11 Of that icy coldness she was very aware , but not as relief , rather as pain , rather as shock .
12 With the end of that accumulatory episode we arrive at the second resultant stratigraphical situation as suggested in " 7 " .
13 ‘ Have n't you got some of that special stuff you can freeze it with ? ’
14 Any white spirit would do for him , he was n't fussy , and he poured himself a stiff vodka , some of that Polish stuff they had brought back from their Black Sea summer holiday .
15 ‘ We 've had complaints from over 200 amusement hall operators , parents , safety standards people … we 're looking at a complete re-run of that blasted horrorshow we had when Pit Bull was released . ’
16 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
17 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
18 Future microkernel systems excepted — Hewlett-Packard has n't decided which variant of that particular technology it will adopt — the firm says that it , like IBM Corp ( both Software Foundation co-founders ) ‘ has no plans to move to OSF/1 . ’
19 Future microkernel systems excepted — HP has n't decided which flavour of that particular technology it will adopt — the firm says that it , like IBM Corp ( both OSF co-founders ) ‘ has no plans to move to OSF/1 . ’
20 To assess , realistically , how much fibre a particular food is likely to contribute to a daily menu , it is important to estimate what quantity of that particular food you are likely to eat .
21 ‘ You can just see the sea from the nursery , ’ explains Prue , ‘ and if you stand on the loo and look out of that little window you can see all those cloverleaf intersections you drove over on the way in .
22 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
23 ‘ You know , I gave her that room to herself when she came to us , because I thought it would be better , and she treated me like a servant — well , you saw , did n't you ? — and when she 'd got all the fun and sense of power out of that little game she started coming down with us .
24 ‘ I was rather wondering , Uncle , ’ he smiled at the man who had kept a fatherly eye on him from the age of ten , ‘ how you felt about serving some of that excellent champagne I know you have in your cellar . ’
25 He has mislaid the last thread of that natty rig he had recently and is entirely back in cap , scarf and corduroy .
26 Sticking out of the back of that red Jaguar she 's got I suppose .
27 Because of that initial expense you will want your carpet to keep its good looks for many years to come .
28 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
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