Example sentences of "of his [noun] [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He is still vertical , ’ Roxburgh observed after having had a significant portion of his squad put on horizontal hold .
2 ‘ White spent much of his life balanced on the boundary between crankiness and brilliance , ’ continues Girouard ; ‘ in the end he fell off on the wrong side , and a large proportion of his last years were wasted in trying to prove that Shakespeare was Bacon .
3 Most of his jokes turned on his posterior and the various crises for which he was having to see whatever proctologist he was currently consulting .
4 Although I was doing Shakespeare for A-level I had never seen any of his plays performed on stage .
5 Hope was so dug into his happy daydream that he failed to notice that Crump had stopped to gaze at something : he himself walked several yards on before the absence of his companion impinged on him .
6 This side of the war was not especially popular : opponents of the king and of his ministers played on the fact that a good many MPs felt too much money was spent on German commitments .
7 He was not an intellectual ; he made constant use of anecdotal evidence and some of his views bordered on the banal , but one of his great strengths has always been his resolute attachment to a few simple conservative themes .
8 This was terrible , because the success or failure of his work depended on his coming to terms with his fellows .
9 The whole of his work depended on asking the right questions .
10 Robyn felt the swift surge of alarm , and panic as the heavy weight of his body descended on top of her .
11 Slowly he pressured her backwards , tipping her on to the cushioning softness of the bed , moving over her so that the imprint of his body burned on her like a brand .
12 Mr. Tully 's claim to privilege is taken in paragraph 6 of his affidavit sworn on 31 July 1991 and is in the vaguest of terms :
13 Indeed , the authorities upon which Mr. Collins relied in support of his submission proved on examination to be cases in which the possibility of a defence had been disposed of in that way .
14 Thomas himself mentioned a figure of 600,000 cubic yards of earth moved when giving evidence at the inquest on one of his workmen killed on the site .
15 The liquidator of a company can have notice of his appointment entered on the Register .
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