Example sentences of "of her [noun] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The descent of her inheritance was the object of intense rivalry in the early 1470s between Clarence , who had married one of Warwick 's coheiresses , and Gloucester , who married the other .
2 The descent of her inheritance was the object of intense rivalry in the early 1470s between Clarence , who had married one of Warwick 's coheiresses , and Gloucester , who married the other .
3 Then she ran , tears freezing like diamond on her lashes until the periphery of her vision was a refracted blur of irised light , out into the frozen night-desert of Mars .
4 In the middle of her chest was a gaping hole where the viscera had been removed .
5 Yet the heartening aspect of her story was the way Diana had come to terms with her life and how , with the help of friends and counsellors , she was finding her true nature .
6 Comfort loved him so much herself that his admiration of her friend was a kind of justification of the friendship itself .
7 As Robyn continues , the only interference with the sound of her voice is the occasional ripping noise of a filled-up page of A4 being hurriedly detached from its parent pad .
8 The neck of her gown was a collar of spun gold , and the front was open , court style , to the level of her breast .
9 ’ The price of her freedom is the container of the Ardakkean substance . ’
10 The degree of her responsibility was the key to the Appeal Court 's decision yesterday .
11 Then , as if the cotton of her nightdress was a hindrance to him , she felt his fingers busy at the ribbon ties at the shoulders .
12 It suddenly occurred to her that total disregard of her escapade was a very subtle punishment indeed .
13 When she was absent , the shadow of her presence was the assurance of a world of love .
14 The centrepiece of her work is a flock of 32 sheep made from wire , a material she has made her own .
15 She was an excellent shrewd local politician and a comfort to her at the end of her life was the defeat of the atrocious plans of the Merrell Dow Chemical Company to build a plant near her beloved River Blackwater , the last campaign in which she played an active part .
16 Should the haziness of her memory be a matter for concern ?
17 His examination of her cousins was every bit as cursory .
18 The centre of her theology is the Christian vision .
19 The loss of her leg was a devastating experience ; apart from the practical side of coping with hair loss due to the chemotherapy ( radiation treatment for cancer ) and the difficulties of learning to walk with her artificial leg , Ann 's self-image underwent an enormous change .
20 She was a bio-chemist and one of her abilities was a phenomenal memory .
21 The scintillating white heat of the flame at the core of her being was a governing force , demanding obedience to the passion that had lit it .
22 The ground of her being was the soil of France that nurtured her issue and the produce she once sowed and reaped , and now bought and sold .
23 It was also unthinkable to have to admit to this maternity nurse that the sex of her baby was the last thing she had ever worried about .
24 The interior of her car was a furnace and she frittered a few moments wandering in the graveyard after opening the car doors to cool it .
25 If I am to do better than merely throw up my hands and assert that Alison Kraemer was in some indefinable way ‘ the real , right thing ’ , then I would suggest that the distinguishing characteristic of her ascendancy was the way she denied you any possibility of mitigating it .
26 Another source of her dissatisfaction is a long-anticipated holiday that turned into a disaster .
27 The result of her impetuosity was a thousand-mile journey up the Nile and a book about her adventures published in 1877 .
28 Yet the most important innovation of her era was the televising of Parliament , under the kind of controlled circumstances ( no snoring MPs , no empty backbenches ) that she so approved of .
29 Grandma Williams was hit most seriously of all by it ; the death of her first-born was a crushing blow and she died herself soon afterwards .
30 The final and ultimate privacy of her body is a woman 's inalienable right .
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