Example sentences of "of what was [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That continued with some effort for the next twenty-five years , when I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lady Collins , who had inspired a succession of what was eventually called Fount Books , some reprints of more expensive books , some specially written for her series , both varieties being published in paperback , at the lowest possible price .
2 The sceptics did not deny that by means of what was traditionally called an ‘ empirical ’ sign we might be led to indirect knowledge of something temporarily hidden : smoke from over the building is a sign that there is a fire behind .
3 Dr van der Merwe 's bones or , rather , those of the Crow Indians of the Ohio valley , are helping to trace the spread of maize across the Americas and establish how , by the time that the conquistadores arrived , it was powering not only the imperial civilisations of Mexico , but the modest villages of what was shortly to become New England .
4 Although this his been the opposite of what was generally intended , there seems to be little sign of any reappraisal of rural planning controls which might result in a reversal of current trends .
5 The aim of this project is to assess the technological level of the economy in the ‘ newly democratising ’ countries of what was generally called Eastern Europe , namely Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland .
6 The issue of the franchise did not , however , make up the sum total of what was generally understood by democracy at that revolutionary moment .
7 To take a specific example , the statement that a direct consequence of a publicly announced and widely believed monetary policy which aims at holding the unemployment rate at U 1 will be a higher expected rate of inflation does not imply the more extreme view that monetary policy can only reduce unemployment below U * ; to the extent that the authorities increase the money supply at a rate in excess of what was generally anticipated .
8 Well I think the short answer to that , Brian , is yes we do , but it 's an interesting time at which to ask that question because there have been recently some changes in the erm statutory provision for the education of what was previously called handicapped children .
9 But though the extent of what was thus known was very great it was not felt to be unbounded .
10 Theodora realised this was rather a lame attempt on her part to steer clear of what was increasingly looking like a nasty piece of wreckage .
11 In the case of larceny by a trick , as I explained earlier , the owner consents to hand over possession but he does not consent to transfer ownership of his property , unlike the victim of what was formerly known as false pretences , who does indeed consent to transfer his ownership .
12 The protesters were equally convinced of their belief in the inevitability of nuclear war ; this gave rise to their honest perception of what was immediately needed to protect their property .
13 Kevin 's just arrived so I 'll go and get Kevin in , erm copy of what was broadly speaking agreed of which Phil 's already got a copy anyway .
14 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
15 Laurel , in effect , made two contributions to the partnership : as Hardy was quick to concede , Laurel was the creator and rigorous controller of their comedy , as well as a member of what was widely recognized as the best comic double act of its time .
16 A hint of what was soon to befall Romania 's historic buildings came in 1976 when Ceauşescu withdrew his country from the UNESCO agreement on the preservation of the architectural heritage .
17 Later , much later , after the war , Mr Chatto was installed , and after him John Sandoe came along , in 1957 , and that is when I first really took notice of what was soon to become a ‘ singular bookshop ’ as opposed to just a bookseller .
18 A thorough search of the Sea Rover revealed only the charred remnants of what was later analysed as cannabis , blowing around the decks .
19 In discussing a different though related issue , Lacan observes that ‘ the latest developments in modern thought on language ’ are only a rediscovery of what was already known to Augustine , who ‘ orients his entire dialectic around these three poles , error , mistake , ambiguity of speech ’ .
20 Psychologists in the last 20 years have had to rediscover much of what was already known and practised by the 1860s .
21 Stalingrad was being interpreted as the consequence of what was now becoming to be widely viewed as Hitler 's catastrophic policy and leadership .
22 Consequently , although reformers saw ‘ adaptability ’ as a sine qua non of citizenship , many were equally insistent on the more overtly political aspects of what was usually paraded as a moral concept , even though the intensification of class politics from the 1880s onwards more or less completely subordinated the purely moral principles .
23 People have no idea of what was really hidden from the public after the war .
24 There were yet other critics who were all too aware of what was really going on .
25 The lack of human stories led to a sanitised , sterile picture of what was really happening .
26 There 'd been a repeat of the sensational reports about Waite — he 'd died of a heart attack in an Iranian prison camp and his body returned to Beirut , or the island of Cyprus was on alert for his imminent release — and a three-day series on all the hostages in the Independent , but there was still no questioning of government policy nor a proper analysis of what was really happening .
27 For all the rejection of what was sometimes called ‘ woman garbage ’ by American feminists , the issue of appearance is something that no woman can wholly avoid .
28 If most of what was sometimes called ‘ the payroll vote ’ attended , the critics would have to carry seven-tenths of the backbenchers and if this had ever happened , the press would have treated it as a total collapse of confidence in the government .
29 The semantics of what was originally conceived as a specialist-generic debate have been explored in particular by Vickery ( 1973 ) and by Hey ( 1979 ) .
30 This is often a useful exercise , although there is occasionally a risk that the emphasis upon paperwork becomes so great that everyone loses sight of what was originally intended .
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