Example sentences of "of what the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And there will always be areas of what the engineers call ‘ mushiness ’ .
2 It is from that kind of what the Germans call fingerspitzen Gefühl — just from the smell of it — that I had a pretty good idea that North was spending a lot of his time on Central American things .
3 Given , in addition to this , a substantial dose of what the Germans call Ausstrahlung , a capacity to radiate energy , rehearsing may seem to be de trop .
4 First , they take notice of what the customers want and incorporate their requirements into their products or services and , second , they have a quality monitoring programme within the organization to ensure that agreed standards are being met .
5 Campbell Park , Milton Keynes , is the venue for the first of what the organisers hope will become an annual British Kite Festival .
6 These are particular examples of what the mathematicians call eigenvector relations .
7 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
8 Do I want to teach after all ? ’ and this is because of what the others say to you , the more experienced teachers .
9 These are books by middle-aged semi-Scots who have chosen to publish accounts of their early lives which lay stress on the troubles they experienced , on the troubles inflicted , within their respective environments , by poverty and servitude , and on the responsibility of relatives for some of what the writers had to suffer .
10 One day he reported that the defence had claimed that partisan warfare was contrary to the Hague Convention , that the Germans therefore had every right to take reprisals against the partisans , and that any excesses on their part were explained if not justified by their horror of what the partisans did .
11 What of faith , and understanding of what the gospels teach ?
12 He presented the first edition of What the Papers Say for Granada in 1956 , going on to present 160 programmes .
13 In spite of what the doctors said , it seemed to him probable that the accident had irremediably damaged her brain .
14 So much for the hype … here 's a taster of what the Falcons have in store for the Air Tattoo .
15 Of particular importance if correct is the discovery of what the researchers believe to be the Saksunarvatn volcanic ash in southern North Sea cores and , by German workers , in lake sediments in north Germany .
16 Lessons have been analysed according to descriptive schemes of different sorts based on the abstraction of what the researchers have considered to be the most salient or significant features of classroom behaviour .
17 The natives on the other hand , being bilingual , had a shrewd idea of what the Greeks wanted to hear and spoke accordingly .
18 Yet those meanings matter : given the breadth of what the courts required of the Secretary of State as reasonable grounds for his action , and the narrowness of what would be regarded as unreasonable local authority action , it is hard to visualise a different result .
19 It was his publication in 1763 of what the courts decided to be a seditious libel on George III which led to the judicial decision that general warrants were illegal ( see p. 136 ) .
20 The essence of what the popes required of the emperors and how they saw the imperial office is enshrined in the imperial oaths taken at the time of coronation and in the prayer at the conferment of the sword .
21 As this severely restricted the scope of what the agencies had been directed to search for , Shaughnessy felt confirmed in his suspicions that the government had something to hide and sought to obtain depositions from the officials who had signed the declarations .
22 You say you 're an accountant , well a lot of people consider accountants to be tickers , those people who check other people 's facts and figures , and secondly you presented what the County Councillors do as more or less a rubber stamping of what the officers put before them .
23 No one supposes that international relations can be fully understood just by assembling a patchwork of what the actors say was in their minds .
24 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Starsign .
25 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Starsign .
26 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Star sign .
27 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Star sign .
28 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Star sign .
29 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Star sign .
30 YOU can get a fuller forecast of what the stars have in store for YOU today by calling Russell 's Horoscope Hotline for YOUR Starsign .
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