Example sentences of "of this [noun] is to " in BNC.

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1 Hilton says that the concomitant of this state is to be reformed to the image of Jesus , that is to the wisdom of God , the traditional title of the Son , and such reformation will combine both knowledge and love " cognicioun and affeccioun " ( 8.282b. – 82 ) .
2 An instructive example of this approach is to be found in German law , in which we find a general right of recovery which is subject to the principle that an administrative act is , even if in fact unlawful , treated as legally effective unless and until it is cancelled , either by the authority itself or by an administrative court .
3 The best description of this journey is to be found in Satyrane 's Letters , written by Coleridge and reprinted at the end of Biographia Literaria .
4 The obvious application of this proposition is to relationships between European policy and DGIV on the one hand , and policy and institutions in the UK ( or any other member state of the EC ) on the other hand .
5 An excellent example of this type is to be found at the entrance to Poole Harbour ( Fig. 8.30 ) .
6 The theories discussed on the previous chapter were united in arguing that the source of this interference is to be found in a loss of associability ( conditionability , effectiveness , attention-attracting power ) by the critical stimulus .
7 It would be wrong to treat this case as a decision on the application of section 6. which was clearly not in the court 's contemplation , but it may be permissible to comment that if an offence of this kind is to be held to be sufficiently serious to justify a substantial community service order , the scheme of the Act , with its albeit clumsy attempt to raise the public perception of the severity of community sentences , seems destined to failure .
8 The object of this research is to further consider material , collected in 1980/81 from residents and staff in a representative sample of local authority homes throughout England with a view to developing a multivariate model of the factors which impinge upon the daily lives of those who live and work in old people 's homes .
9 Bank of Ireland recently issued a circular regarding the above loans and has stated that they now wish to take a charge over the deeds of the home and the cost of this charge is to be borne by members of the Association .
10 Yet further confirmation of this analysis is to be found in the explanation of the bare infinitive 's use after dare in what Quirk et al.
11 If the money so raised in a modern equivalent of this lottery is to be wasted on similar luxuries , it would be better if we saved our money or spent it on necessities .
12 The most widely publicised example of this claim is to be found in Betty Edwards 's best-selling Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain .
13 On each pleasant bank of this world is to be a beautiful mansion … a moderately sized park ; a large garden and hothouses ; and pleasant carriage drives through the shrubberies .
14 What I have tried to do in the body of this paper is to further the understanding of postmodern culture in consideration of the latter as a figural and de-differentiated mode of signification .
15 An old but superb treatment of this area is to be found in Ref. [ 19 ] .
16 ( 2 ) The cases in which a pecuniary advantage within the meaning of this section is to be regarded as obtained for a person are cases where — … ( c ) he is given the opportunity to earn remuneration or greater remuneration in an office or employment …
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