Example sentences of "of a [adj] year [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the Solomon Islands , BGS geologists worked on the final phase of a six year mapping and mineral-exploration programme .
2 In October 1966 George Blake escaped from Wormwood Scrubs prison after serving nearly five years of a 42 year sentence of imprisonment for spying for the Soviet Union .
3 That respect has been earned over the space of a 39- year career with the firm which has seen Grants take its Glenfiddich brand and turn it from a regional tipple in the north-east of Scotland into Britain 's and the world 's leading single malt .
4 Eddie Szuluk has just served 6 years of a 10 year sentence for drug offences .
5 He 'd spent 18 months in prison awaiting trial and served 6 months of a 10 year sentence .
6 The third party claims have lessened with the retreat from the Convention for the Regulation of the Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities , and the acceptance by the parties at Madrid in 1991 of a fifty year ban on activities relating to mineral resources other than scientific research .
7 A bout of glandular fever forced McKenzie out of a New Year fight against Jimenez , the WBO 's official leading contender who could have weight-making problems , having been as heavy as 9st 10lbs for a fight .
8 Quite apart from the fact that the existing state of the sewers is hardly good enough , the assumption of a 100 year life-span for sewers becomes increasingly unrealistic .
9 Her qualification comes at the end of a two year distance learning course , during which time Irene had to attend Robert Gordon 's University for five days every three months , complete and pass six modules as well as writing a 10,000 word research based dissertation .
10 • This 33 lb 12 oz pike was the result of a two year campaign at a Nottinghamshire gravel pit by Mansfield miner David Dare .
11 This survey was part of a two year research project on adults doing science , mathematics or engineering courses in further and higher education funded by the Scottish Office Education Department .
12 B. Or MEDICAL PHYSICS , by means of a two year block release course commencing the last two weeks in September 1991 .
13 In Kirkcaldy only two thirds of patients received a diabetes review by their general practitioner in the first or second year of a two year study and only 50% had annual blood glucose assessments .
14 They voted by 19 to 6 in favour of a two year moratorium , during which time a scientific committee will ‘ review the scientific and technical considerations relevant to the proposed amendments ’ .
15 Within the last fortnight , we have seen the release on parole of one offender after serving just 22 months of a five year sentence for sexual offences against at least a dozen young boys , and the sentencing of another man to life imprisonment after a sexual orgy resulting in the death of a nine year old .
16 He first became a builder in 1953 , in Communist Czechoslovakia , after being released from three years ' working in the uranium mines of Jachymov as part of a five year prison sentence for political offences .
17 The attempt to cram sufficient experience of a five year span into a term of ten weeks brought with it superficiality and rush , leaving a guilty residue of feeling that not enough had been done thoroughly enough .
18 The TESSA is a five year savings plan , which pays interest gross at the end of a five year period .
19 In March 1943 the Prime Minister broadcast on the theme of a Four Year Plan for peace , and announced the government 's intention to plan to prevent the return of mass unemployment after the war .
20 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
21 Erm , the final point on the shortfall of funding is as I 'm , keep emphasising , forgive me for repeating this , this is going to be year two of a four year transition .
22 Former investment cosultant Christopher How faces nineteen charges , the culmination of a four year investigation by fraud squad officers .
23 The earliest of these were collected in a volume of Cantiones which he published in 1575 jointly with Tallis , thus marking Elizabeth I 's grant to them of a twenty-one year monopoly of music printing ; others followed in two sets of Cantiones sacrae ( 1589 and 1591 ) and two of Gradualia ( 1605 and 1607 ) , a corpus of work almost as varied in technique and sometimes as ‘ madrigalian ’ in word-painting as that of Lassus — some of which Byrd may well have known — or of Alfonso Ferrabosco the elder ( 1543–88 ) who was his friend and colleague in the Queen 's service for sixteen years and wrote not only ‘ madrigalian ’ motets but simple Latin hymn-settings in a style very similar to Byrd 's .
24 Although the basic pattern of a twenty-five year lease remained largely intact , tenants were able to secure the right to terminate the lease before its expiry .
25 A major departure from his original vision was the rejection of a seven year course — but other concepts were accepted .
26 A series is in course of production and implementation in both areas , and once a programme is introduced in Class I this is the beginning of a seven year ride which can not be slowed down or stopped .
27 THE Irish badminton team are in Birmingham preparing for their opening world championship group six match tomorrow against Iceland and the championships will mark the end of a 15 year spell for Joe Kinkead as manager of the Irish team .
28 ( Sellafield is the most striking exception in the numbers of nuclear and construction workers working together on the same site over most of a 40 year period . )
29 It marks the end of a three year campaign by the family to have their son receive special treatment .
30 As in the case of the previous section , the purpose of the section is to give a licensing board a measure of control over licensed premises during the currency of a three year licence .
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