Example sentences of "of a [noun] which [pron] " in BNC.

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1 then went on to distinguish the case of a party ‘ deprived of his title as a result of a forged document which he did not execute ’ from the case where the party ‘ has been deprived as a result of a document which he himself executed , albeit under a mistake induced by fraud ’ and commented that ‘ when the court comes to exercise its discretion , different considerations may well apply . ’
2 was of a description which it would be reasonable to expect him to obtain in the ordinary course of that business , and that he does that thing in good faith in the course of that business . ’
3 A certain crepuscularity of spirit had sauntered in , courtesy of a misunderstanding which I had n't bothered to trouble the prancing Squire and his Milady with ; not fair , in their state of mind , I thought .
4 Bob Wareing , MP for Liverpool West Derby said : ‘ I was outraged when I heard of the decision to condemn this poor fellow who earns £28 a day and is bereft of a bowler which I think coloured the views of the Jockey Club . ’
5 We 're also talking in terms of a ministry which what you expect is very often what you get you 're trained to be somebody , okay ? .
6 The body felt , to the probe of a stick which they thrust into a chinke , like boyld Brawne .
7 Similarly , the reference to the barge really refers to an account in a play of a scene which we do not and in some ways could not witness , a scene which may never have taken place in those terms .
8 Once the bus stopped , however , he was immediately up and out , using the ten minutes available to sketch in the ingredients of a scene which he would later work up in a hotel room .
9 More common is the seller who , having inserted an exclusion clause into his conditions of sale , relies on his buyer not bothering to read ( or not understanding ) the small print ; for example , the exclusion clause may be contained in the small print of a guarantee which he gives to the buyer .
10 It may assist the court to sever any part of a clause which it finds to be objectionable , leaving the rest enforceable .
11 The court will also consider whether the information is of a type which it is willing to protect at all .
12 If things went well , we 'd get our investment back in five years , with a handsome profit as well , and we 'd still have effective control of a hotel which we could continue to operate as part of our group .
13 This would mean that Christ was declaring himself to be a thief , for in Zanaki land thieves generally make it a practice to knock on the door of a hut which they hope to burglarise , and if they hear any movement inside , they dash off into the dark .
14 And there is another aspect of the construction of a word which it may also be helpful to know something about : that some ( particularly longer ) words are built out of other words , by adding prefixes at the beginning or suffixes at the end .
15 Mr Brown has a constant reminder of their week-long adventure in the shape of a beard which he grew specially to keep his face warm !
16 If the creditor petitions in respect of a debt which he claims to be presently due , and that claim is undisputed , the petition proceeds to hearing and adjudication in the normal way .
17 Dr Kemp himself ! — the man who had one day been deprived of a jewel which he himself had traced to an American collector , a jewel for which he had been negotiating , a jewel that had been found in the waters below the bridge at Wolvercote in 1873 , a jewel which once united with its mate would doubtless be the subject of some considerable historical interest , and bring some short-term celebrity , possibly some long-term preferment , to himself — to Kemp .
18 Pope John Paul 's outspoken words on behalf of a church which he deems to have been ‘ driven into the catacombs ’ reflect a worried assessment by the Secretariat of State , the Vatican 's Foreign Office , that Mr Gorbachev 's authority may come under increasing threat and that the Church should therefore exploit Soviet liberalisation for all it is worth .
19 He had acknowledged similar courtesies a number of times since riding out , and guessed that it was the sable hat of a Khan which he carried in his hand which was attracting recognition , rather than his actual eminence .
20 Sleeper depressions are very clear along this part of the line , and , apart from that , there are some cut hardwood tree stumps of a size which I could hardly believe , bearing in mind that the line has been closed only thirty-five years .
21 ( vi ) On unc the relation R defined by ( a , b ) R ( c , d ) iff ad = bc is an equivalence relation of a kind which we shall meet again in the proof of 3.10.3 .
22 Jacob was still not the daughter she had set her heart on , but even though he was a male child he was , at least , physically recognisable as her offspring , and as he grew up he displayed artistic tendencies of a kind which she was sure could have flowered in her had she been given the chance .
23 Thus the young gallant should never ever be seen walking on foot , and should at all times carry funds enough ‘ for the expenses of a palanquin' which he should regard as ‘ the best of all conveyances ’ .
24 First of all , we 'd like to say we love reading your magazine , but we have a bit of a problem which we thought might worry other humans .
25 But by then the Soviet Union no longer had any faith in the sincerity of a government which it believed had encouraged Fascism for many years .
26 She thought even of a proposal which she could have the pleasure of turning down .
27 Una , his 10-year-old which collected breed honours at the 1991 Royal Welsh Show , is the daughter of a cow which he had imported from France during the build up his herd of 45 breeding cows at Drysgolgoch , Llanfyrnach .
28 However , the accused who sneaks out of a cinema which he has sneaked in to is not guilty : no service has been " done " .
29 Praeiectus , however , although he was one of the five , began to have second thoughts , because of a vision which his mother had had , forecasting a great ecclesiastical career .
30 He had simply used the framework of a company which he and his wife controlled to make over the necessary benefit to his children .
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