Example sentences of "of a [noun] in [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That 's very effective if you 're dealing with factual information which is changing fairly rapidly , and I think we 'll see quite a growth of that in the next few years , but libraries are n't just stores of factual information ; they store a large number of books and articles and they need access to that too , and probably the most typical external use of a computer in libraries and in a university library , academic library , these days is to access the huge stores of information on scientific publishing .
2 That 's very effective if you 're dealing with factual information which is changing fairly rapidly , and I think we 'll see quite a growth of that in the next few years , but libraries are n't just stores of factual information , they store a large number of books and articles and they need access to that too , and probably the most typical external use of a computer in libraries in a university library , or academic library , these days is to access the huge stores of information on scientific publishing .
3 BorderWidth=3 : The border width of a window in pixels .
4 We can give descriptions of a photon in terms of the way it behaves , but it is very hard for us to imagine what a photon actually is .
5 Most manufacturers quote the capacity of a sack in litres .
6 But in 1872 discovered one of the jewels of nineteenth-century physics , a precise quantitative relation giving the entropy of a gas in terms of mechanical quantities , namely the distribution of positions and velocities of its molecules .
7 Its barrel , pointed by a helmeted soldier , is sticking into the chest of a worker in overalls .
8 Are we to account for the behaviour of a bureaucracy in terms of the behaviour of the human individuals comprising it , or vice versa ?
9 The use of relative molecular mass ( Mr ) and molar mass ( M ) to calculate the amount of a substance in units of moles is explained in section 4.2 .
10 The reason why I did n't get much of a word in edgeways was because my lady chairman on the other side of her would n't let kept attracting her attention , so I erm there is to a lot extent a false image .
11 Stonehouse , also for Glasgow , was designated in 1972 , but after the building of the first houses , was aborted in 1976 : a vivid illustration of a change in priorities , for resources were to be channelled into the renewal of inner Glasgow ( the Glasgow Eastern Area Renewal — GEAR — scheme ) .
12 The object is to establish the change in hours supply to the labour market ta ; H as a result of a change in wages δW , which , other things equal , generates an income effect ( y ) and a substitution effect ( s ) , as follows ( assuming that the only tax is the introduction of a proportional one on labour income and it is this that is causing the change in W :
13 But as the pictorial innovations of Picasso and Braque — the construction of a painting in terms of a linear grid or framework , the fusion of objects with their surroundings , the combination of several views of an object in a single image , and of abstract and representational elements in the same picture — began to influence a widening circle of artists , the style became distinguishable by virtue of these features .
14 In Africa they were the hybrid offspring of an eagle and a wolf , and were usually the guardians of a fortune in gems , hidden in mountain caves or underground tunnels .
15 So if you are producing a Victorian mystery , for instance , you would do well to think of a plot in terms more of melodrama than if you were writing a book set today .
16 The deficit on the UK 's trade in manufactures is in the context of a rise in exports and imports as manufacturing is internationalized .
17 The hon. Gentleman spoke with anxiety of the possibility of a rise in miners ' wages as a consequence of this Bill .
18 WOBBLY teeth in unsound gums are as much of a problem in adults as tooth decay .
19 X-inefficiency can be even more of a problem in organizations producing non-marketed goods , like health and education , where it is extremely difficult to measure efficiency and where alternative sources of supply are not readily available , except to the affluent .
20 Yeah would you would you say that it 's erm it 's A , more of a problem in places such as Flats , anyway than than say ?
21 The far wall bore a garish illustration of a man in chains and a young woman unconvincingly disguised in male dress .
22 The design strategy is to define the possible information content of a message in terms of the necessary minimum of variations , then to design the structure so that it has a maximum content of standardized information and requires the minimum number of specific triggers to identify the variation to be conveyed .
23 Mr Bloomfield is something of a legend in sports publishing .
24 It runs so near the ancient Banbury-Oxford road ( within a quarter of a mile in places ) that it can not have served as another through road .
25 The more difficult questions , such as the height of a door in metres , tended to be answered in a broadly similar way across the attainment range of pupils tested in the project .
26 Early in February 1726 Montrose instructed his commissioner in Scotland to organise his friends to support the plan of a reduction in emoluments for the collector , believing that this would discourage the new candidates and ensure Kirkton 's re-election , for the duke was determined ‘ to stand by him upon the above terms , I mean of a smaller sellary for the future ’ .
27 Increase in production in almost all cases came through livestock and livestock products and was most likely because of a reduction in losses .
28 Sterling lost ground against a buoyant German mark as dealers took fright at the prospect of a fall in exports leading to a widening of the current account deficit last month .
29 But there is no sign of a slowdown in bookings at Greenall 's De Vere hotels chain .
30 THE shares of Atlas Converting Equipment , whose profits have quadrupled since 1986 , plunged 203 to 580p after the company warned of a slowdown in orders .
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