Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun pl] she " in BNC.

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1 And now it was coming true , because he was smiling … and she decided there and then that it was one of the nicest smiles she had ever seen .
2 In fact , as the meal progressed , and Ven good humouredly tucked into his knedliky and goulash too , Fabia could n't help thinking that this was one of the best mealtimes she had ever experienced .
3 One of the best things she can do is to invest as much as possible , up to the maximum of £500 , in the government 's index-linked Retirement Certificates , which can be purchased at the Post Office , where information leaflets are available .
4 He was , and she forced herself to remember this with gratitude , one of the best talkers she had ever met ; funny and fast .
5 Of the biblical stories she remarks : ‘ To account for these stories as relics of a distant , primitive , and inferior past is invalid . ’
6 She felt she had found her own style in O Pioneers , a style as loose , as fluid , as unemphatic , as shifting as the fine earth of the endless prairies she wrote about .
7 From a perspective in anthropology where social systems were all equally valid , I teased her about cultural police rigidities which caused this rejection of the alternative views she was being asked to examine , to the point where she refused to lunch with me in the Students ' Union , because , ‘ you 're one of those bloody communists I have to listen to ’ .
8 Topaz thought Almack 's rather dull after some of the splendid places she had visited .
9 Already to most of the regular customers she was n't the famous Aurora Blake , but simply , Rory , and she liked it that way .
10 That Kollwitz is presently regaining the public 's imagination as a subject demanding ‘ revision ’ is testament to the persuasiveness of her self-marketing in addition to the compelling emotional resonance of the visual objects she created .
11 Expecting it to be someone high up in one of the many companies she had dealings with — though it was unusual for Jimmy not to supply her with a name — she announced efficiently , ‘ Leith Everett . ’
12 Picton-Howell 's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended .
13 Last night , Amaranth Wilikins had told Grunte that she had yet to make up her mind in which of the many debates she would try to speak .
14 Says Jack : ‘ She learned to sign — one of the many ways she helped deaf people .
15 When she retires next month , challenging behaviour will be only one of the many items she will have been able to put a tick next to on the learning difficulties agenda , although she would the last to claim there is nothing left to do .
16 That enjoyed being playfully submissive , because of the many delights she knew would follow .
17 In practice , however , although she was powerless to prevent some of the religious changes she disliked — such as the introduction of clerical marriage , the use of bread rather than unleavened wafers at communion , and the removal of crucifixes and roods from the interiors of churches — she frequently intervened personally in religious matters and had an important influence on the nature of the English church established during her reign .
18 She began to ask questions , about the other two women , the Refuge , even some of the mysterious topics she had picked up from meal times .
19 How could anyone forget some of the spectacular effects she designed , the likes of which have not been seen since the days when Hank Bosch was head of Graphics ?
20 She identified with the emotions of the young men she accompanied , including the mental agonies suffered by many after the conflict had ended and they had returned home .
21 She identified with the emotions of the young men she accompanied , including the mental agonies suffered by many after the conflict had ended and they had returned home .
22 She was a pretty little thing , but I fear the libido of the young men she encountered in here would be at a low ebb .
23 It was one of the first things she put on the wall when they re-decorated the house .
24 The day after her double transplant one of the first things she did was to grab her mother 's hand and say : ‘ I 'll be able to grow up and have kids now , wo n't I ? ’
25 This activity was something she was the most proud of , one of the first things she would tell new friends about her work .
26 His grey whipcord coat with its black velvet collar hung open , and he came quickly across with that purposeful step which was one of the first things she had noticed about him .
27 Actress and comedienne Helen Lederer , star of BBC2 's Naked Video and BBC Radio 4 's Life with Lederer , is pictured in her kitchen creating an omelette — one of the first dishes she ever learned to cook ‘ really well ’ .
28 which she did which is so bad erm I mean really , she did , about one of the first films she did , not , you know before Total Recall
29 She thought guiltily of the money she had been spending on new clothes and of the new slippers she had ordered with the amethyst decoration .
30 But in the deep shade in the angle of the two hedges she could just make out that a pit had been dug .
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