Example sentences of "of the [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 She dressed hurriedly , made herself a snack , took the bike and wheeled it round the corner of the cottage into the front garden .
2 An Emergency Meeting agreed on enlarging the clubhouse , including making the ground floor of the cottage into the Ladies ' locker room — to be reached by an uncovered , external stairway !
3 Durance moved towards the paintings , to the one where the woman stepped from the shadow of the tree into the full light of the sun .
4 Well it were n't exactly the school teacher 's fault cos Panda jumped out of the hedge into the lights from the cemetery cos she liked to go mousing up there .
5 Noreen quickly took her from Jock and with her brothers beside her ran through the porch of the church into the daylight .
6 They entered the enclosure and walked down the side of the church into the dark , tree-filled cemetery beyond .
7 ‘ I think it must have been coming from the cold of the church into the warmth , or , perhaps — ’ and she made a wan attempt at humour — ‘ it might have been the thought of attending the ladies ’ sewing circle which overcame me ! ’
8 Will it be seen , with hindsight , that the introduction of the computer into the humanities disciplines has made no more substantial change in the eventual output of research than was made by the introduction of the electric typewriter ?
9 The draft position paper goes sliding over the edge of the desk into the waste-paper basket as I snatch up the receiver .
10 The traditional patriarchal structure has been eroded , partly because the formal head Of the house has moved out of the home into the completely separate sphere of work , and partly because the authority he derives from control over economic resources and property is eroded in an urban , money economy .
11 But it might as well save its money if it is merely going to flow out of the country into the pockets and profits of foreign firms .
12 This out-sourcing could put the software technology for the defence of the country into the hands of a foreign-controlled company and it could cost another two thousand British Aerospace jobs .
13 University — and particularly institute of education — suspicion of the entry of the CNAA into the field also spurred the universities to take up the challenge to validate the BEd that Robbins had thrown down .
14 The mortise and tenon joints of the arms into the back can be marked out more conventionally with a mortise gauge working off the inside surfaces .
15 After a 5 minute resting period , in patients with PVT or liver disease , 370 mbq ( 10 mCi ) of 9 9 m Tc pertechnetate were administered by bolus peripheral intravenous injection followed rapidly by a 30 ml saline flush to ensure rapid transit of the radionuclide into the heart .
16 Fold one third of the egg whites and one third of the cream into the milk chocolate and fold the rest into the plain .
17 He fitted the plug at the other end of the flex into the socket at the side of the board .
18 The earlier of the two identifies the poet with his poetry , praying that after his death he should be forgotten : Sonnet 74 draws a different line , separating the Poet from his work : The point to be stressed at this juncture — forgive the interruption ! — is the turning of the other into the self and of the self into poetry , which is at the same time the turning of life into art and of transience into immortality : This marvellous poem can be linked , no doubt , to the series attacking time and proclaiming the certainty of the poet 's survival .
19 The Col du Somport and the upper valley of the Aspe are at the western end of the Pyrenean National Park — to be exact , a narrow tongue of this extends across on the other , western side of the valley into the ring of mountains forming the Cirque of Lescun .
20 In Jacques Lacan 's reinterpretation of Freud , sexuality , or rather sexual desire , is constituted in language : it is the law of the Father , the castration fear , and the pained entry of the child into the ‘ symbolic order ’ , that is the world of language and meaning , at the Oedipal moment , which instigates ‘ desire ’ .
21 Suddenly , two girls fall laughing out of the Ladies into the narrow corridor .
22 However , despite the formal integration of the territory into the regular administrative structure of the empire , a combination of human and material circumstances peculiar to Siberia served to preserve the particularity of the region in a number of ways , which led later ’ regionalist' historians and thinkers to consider Siberia to be a quite distinct entity , in other senses than the merely geographical , from European Russia , with its own unique characteristics , needs and requirements .
23 I tipped the remains of the birds into the compost .
24 She slipped two of the tablets into the pocket of her jeans and , leaving her bag on the bed , sauntered into the kitchen .
25 Progress is being made in areas such as cross-platform and cross-product integration , ease of use , and information sharing , and products are emerging that extend the scope of the spreadsheet into the world of multi-dimensional modelling
26 An electroencelograph might perhaps separate the components of the conversation into the elements of silence , reality and unreality .
27 Take her chance on slipping out of the door into the street and away .
28 The Old Man was a medieval carved head which formed the keystone of the door into the old school , formerly St. Paul 's Church .
29 Coming back from school in England , being met at the airport , hoping to find Francis the other side of the door into the main building .
30 In November he gave an address at the Mary Institute ; the ghosts of the past were all around him as he spoke of the door into the schoolyard , the corridors , the whisperings of his enclosed childhood world .
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