Example sentences of "of the [noun] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In my view the effect of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that a court other than a court of the defendant 's country of domicile can not accept the jurisdiction on the mere assertion or pleading of the plaintiff .
2 Once jurisdiction can properly be established on this basis then the effect of article 5(1) in the light of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that the court has jurisdiction finally to determine the issues between the parties .
3 And Sarrance is the setting in which her group of competing story-tellers gather , after they have been driven out of the spa of Cauterets , up in the mountains , by bad weather .
4 THE conversion of the Bury to Manchester line to Metrolink operations has meant that it is no longer available for conventional locomotives and trains .
5 But given the lengthiness of the dispute , the demands of other policework , and the regularity of ‘ trouble ’ , the ‘ permanent ’ mobile reserve , the SPG , became a routine feature of the policing of Grunwick , and especially the confrontational aspects .
6 But there is a symbolic importance of the prominence of Mr. Flynn in Fianna Fáil .
7 The announcement came amid new indications of the depth of Latvia 's economic crisis .
8 And , in a fascinating study , Carol Barnes , whose earlier research includes the correlations between ageing , learning and LTP mentioned in the previous paragraph , has allowed rats to live in the type of enriched environment typical of the experiments of Rosenzweig , Bennett and Diamond described in Chapter 6 .
9 The results of one of the experiments by Kaye et al .
10 Take the week of the cottage in Anglesey :
11 ‘ This house reminds me of the cottage in Hertfordshire I had before I married , ’ she explains .
12 Ludens now craved for these sessions , and had even instantly , when Irina spoke of the cottage in Wiltshire , decided he would have to move there , reorganise his life , and set up house next door .
13 At the heart of the battle over Sunday trading is the simple straightforward issue of profit and loss . ’
14 And yet this matter of the battle at Pilleth could not be left unanswered , for the sake of his tenure .
15 Paisley used his time to hammer home the religious significance of the battle with O'Neill by writing a commentary on Paul 's Letter to the Romans , the book which Paul had written while awaiting trial in prison .
16 They talked about how to write The Yellow Chair , whether to make it stark and classical by keeping the unities , restricting the action to the terrible days of the battle with Gauguin , or whether to make it episodic and epic , to introduce Theo at least and maybe other figures , even the looming pastor from Nuenen .
17 The journalist Robert Katz had been trying to interest producers in a film adaptation of his extensive account last year in Esquire magazine of the battle between Willem de Kooning and his daughter .
18 Unfortunately , the burial period must have been between 1400 and 1000 B.C. , a time far distant from the legendary date of the battle between Coilus and Fergus .
19 They join the Queen at a service in Westminster Abbey to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein .
20 There is nothing to be said for propounding the philosophy of history if you do not know the date of the Battle of Waterloo .
21 In 1815 , the year of the Battle of Waterloo , John Caspar Spurzheim , a physician from the medical school at Vienna , visited London and Edinburgh to lecture on craniology , the study of the shape and size of the human skull .
22 What was surely the last ever Montenegrin ‘ royal event ’ was masterminded by the republic 's new Communist leadership , which has abruptly stopped describing Nicholas as a class enemy , to ride the same wave of popular patriotism and royal fervour which swept Serbia in the recent celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the battle of Kosovo .
23 The Turkish version of the battle of Kosovo Polje differs from that which is presented in the epic songs and is probably closer to the historical truth .
24 My mother enquired after Ras Tafari 's wife and family , especially after his eldest son , Asfa Wossen , who as a baby at the time of the battle of Sagale had sheltered with us in the Legation ; then they spoke of mutual friends , and recalled events that had occurred while we were in Abyssinia .
25 At Duxford airfield , the operations table from which aspects of the Battle of Britain were controlled can be seen along with the original control tower , hangar and runway .
26 It was fitting , in the 50th anniversary year of the Battle of Britain , that the Association should have engaged in a full range of activities aimed at meeting its responsibilities towards former members of the Royal Air Force , both men and women .
27 The 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain provided an opportunity to pay a tribute to ‘ The Few ’ who flew in the Battle and the many who supported them .
28 The year was a busy one for the residents with an increase in the number of outings , many in connection with the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain .
29 The celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain provided a magnificent opportunity to achieve new records in fund-raising .
30 At the 1989 Annual Conference in Bournemouth it was resolved to support the RAF Benevolent Fund 's 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain Appeal , and Branches were asked to provide support at local level for what became known as the ‘ Reach for the Sky ’ Appeal .
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